Extra resources:
“A sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury
Humanities Summative Writing:
Steven 8-8
Never underestimate time
Have you ever wondered that a small change can lead to a big effect, a ripple effect that blasts through generation, changing everything and even wiping out humanity? The story “A Sound of Thunder” mainly talked in a futuristic time where a famous company; “Time Safaris” offered people to hunt dinosaurs by sending them back in time. One time, the protagonist Eckles went back in time 60 million years ago to hunt down a T-rex, however, he unintentionally stepped on a butterfly and killed it. This minor problem eventually leads to a major and humongous impact in the future. In the story, “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury, the author believes that even the smallest action usually has a significant impact on how the future will unfold.
To start with, Travis (the team leader) constantly reminded Eckels not to step off the path, and never touch or change anything, as he states:” We don’t want to change the Future. We don’t belong here in the past. Even more, he stated:” say we accidentally kill one mouse here, that means all the future families of this one particular mouse are destroyed. With a stamp of your foot, you annihilate first one, then a dozen, then a thousand, a million, a billion possible mice!” As Travis had said, we never want to change the past as it will change the future. Even as if it’s the smallest change like killing one mouse, it can lead to a whole generation wipe of this particular species of mouse and effecting all other organisms that co-live (live around) with this mouse. One little change may seem inconsequential at first sight; however, it makes a huge impact throughout time and in the future.
Further on in the story, when Eckles returned back to the future, things go wrong. Inline 443 of the text, when Eckels returned to the future, he noticed many different things, the majority of things had changed. For example, the sign of the Company had changed into a completely whole different language, even the presidential election had changed person. Furthermore, on line 451, the text stated:” It fell to the floor, an exquisite thing, a small thing that could upset balances and knock down a line of small dominoes and then big dominoes and then gigantic dominoes, all down the years across Time.” Eckels, who thought accidentally killing a butterfly 60 million years ago could have barley done any impact on the world, was stunned and frightened of the outcomes of what really happened. Only by killing one butterfly, it caused a time ripple effect that changed everything through time. Millions of generations after had vanished, many other species have gone extinct as a result as well. Just by one tiny action, will significantly change the future.
To sum it up, the book author Ray Bradbury has taught us to never change time in the past and to never underestimate it. Even as the smallest possible action could result in a gigantic change, result in the extinction of humanity and other species.
A link to the text
A link to a visual text(movie)
In the story “Thank you m’am” by Langston Hughes, the protagonist Roger experiences multiple internal conflicts. To name a few, in paragraph 32, the text said:” The door was open. He could make a dash for it down the hall.” Roger was confused about whether to run away or to stay with the courteous woman. He was frozen and confused at that moment and couldn’t make a decision. Another example, at paragraph 36, the woman left her purse on the daybed and had no eyesight on the boy, however, the boy was confused again on whether to steal the purse or don’t steal reflecting on the kindness he just received from the woman. The conflict the boy is experiencing is internal as we can see that he struggles to make decisions upon stealing the purse or not to multiple times. I included a heart that mainly represents the internal conflict in the character Roger and also at the same time represents the magnificent kindness offered by the woman; Ms. Washington. I copied and pasted my poem onto the picture and also did some minor color adjustments. The picture I used(credits)
To know more about the author, click here
During the activity, I did most of the law writing part.
As a group, we divided the workload up by discussing who’s good at what so that it will be easier for each person since they have an advantage.
Our biggest accomplishment as a civilization was staying alive without resources. We had only one or two things we could use, so we had to trade in order to gain more materials. But it was quite difficult because others also didn’t have materials, so basically it was just luck if you get the basket full of good/useful/tradeful materials.
Our weakest point as a civilization was luck, we had a minimum amount of luck.
If I could do this activity again, I would try to create the laws more specific and realistic. Also, try to have more luck next time.
Btw, our group members were; Me, Sayi, Sophia, Eloise
This is my Early Humans And Us Tools-Technology thinglink project.
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