Independent Reading Reflection

Some books I have read throughout this year was “the curious incident of the dog in night time” written by Mark Hadden, which is about a boy Called Christopher who has a disability of autism. He is not allowed to read facial expressions, sensitive with sounds, love mysteries, not feeling safe and genius at math. He lives with his father and attends a special needs school. The Story starts when a dog named Wellington died. This dog belongs to Mrs. Shears, it is killed by a pitchfork and found in a garden in a modern day. The problem started when Wellington (his neighbors dog) was murdered and Christopher likes to find the truth and solve mysteries.

I would rate this book as an 7 out of 10, because this book could teach people a lot of facts about people with autism, and families love are also included. I enjoy reading it, but the language the author use was always serious, that make the book didn’t seems fun enough.

I book I was planning to read on through out the years may be books that are about histories, like the book “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian”.




English 9-Formative Socratic Seminar


In this formative socratic seminar, one thing I am satisfied was that I used formative language and speak in a mezzo volume while I participate and following the discussion. Things that I still needs to put more efforts in was giving more specific evidence. Like quoting, giving page number, and describe the use of figurative language. Also, having more involved into the conversation is fairly important. The next step I’m working on is try to be more confident of what I say and getting well prepared more. This is because I think I’m still not ready to be doing a socratic seminar, and I’m not prepared sophisticatedly. To achieve my goals, I’ll be more effective next time by putting more efforts in. 


Reading Reflection 2

The book I was reading this cycle still the book last week, “The Husband Secret”. Again, this book includes a lot of mysteries which I adore a lot. The reason I kept on reading this book is because it contains amuse plots, but unknown what’s gonna happen.That makes the books sounds more interesting and catchy. I haven’t yet finish the book, but depends on the story lines going by than, the further story should be the main character found whats in the letter, it was of course something bad though, and there will be a conflict between character.


Reading Reflection: The Husband’s Secret

If I can describe this book to the others, I would say it was a very slow and a book that can hook people. The reason I’m saying it is because at the start of the story, I found it very interesting of the main girl character finding a letter her husband wrote, she was scared but curious of looking it, so she put the letter aside and keep it in heart. The most uncomfortable point is that the author has been telling the protagonist’s personal story and constantly shaping her personality, so the plot is not on the right track. I think it takes the story into another part. But however, I’ve still enjoyed reading the first part of the story for the mysterious part that her husband appears. I also admire the characters of my friends. Felicity, for example, is funny and adds a lot of color to the story.

  • Is this story happening for real?
  • It reminds me of looking forward secrets that others might not want me to know which I know it’s unpolite.
  • The main girl character read the letter and having an argument with her husband, but there’s a misunderstood, so then they live happily after.