This unit made me think differently about coding, for example, I used to think that coding is just text programming, but now I think that there are many ways of programming like block coding, and even block coding has many types, for instance, it might be java thats running behind it, python or other programming languages. I used to also think that coding can be very hard, but after this unit I think that everyone can learn basic programming.

This unit’s criteria was to design an app for a client with a problem that app I make can solve, my client was my mom and her problem was that she couldn’t decide what to eat for dinner often.  That’s why I decided to make an app for her that can solve this problem of hers.

The app I designed was an app that would ask you some questions e.g. “Are you hungry today?” and pick a food appropriate for that night. I choose this design because not only it will solve her problem of not knowing what to eat for dinner but it will also pick an appropriate food that night since the food it chooses will be based on the questions you answered and is not random.

The app when started up will have a question that appears first, and then another before it actually chooses a food for you. The food chosen is based on the answers that you have selected for the two questions that appear first. Sadly I didn’t have much time to decorate it much because I sometimes got off-task in class.

A strength of my app is that it can choose a food for you very quickly and that food chosen will also be very suitable for you. A weakness of my app is that I didn’t really make it look that good, I only put in four different food choices, and that I had only two questions which makes it less specific.


Below are some pictures of the programming I did for the app.

Click HERE to see a video of the app working.