Part 1
I think the most difficult part of this project for me is to do the programming, because all the programming I have done was for the computer, and I have never programmed for a robot before. Programming for a robot is a really new and challenging thing for me. The most enjoyable part of this project is also the programming, since I have learned how to use Arduino and how to program a robot. I think the thing that I did well was the programming, even though it was my first-time doing Arduino programming and programming for robots, I think I did pretty well.
Part 2a
I think the most difficult part of building my robot is the wing, I learned that there are many ways to build a robot, for example, the wing of our robot can be made in many different ways, at first, we planned to attach the wing straight to the servo but then we thought to the servo but then we thought to the servo but then we thought to attach it on a popsicle stick instead. The most enjoyable aspect of this project is building the robot, since I learned a lot of things while building it like, how can we attach the wing so it can move while not crashing into other parts of the robot. What I think I did well was the programming part, since I have never experienced Arduino programming, it wasn’t easy for me to learn and do things with a textual programming language but I somehow still managed to pull it off. What I would do differently next time is how I would make the wings first before I make the body since the wings are the parts that move and the body is what I attach the wings on.
Part 2b
I learned a lot of ways to attach something to something else and which ways are more stable and uneasy to break than others. I learned a lot about programming in Arduino since I have never done it before and that its also textual programming which made it way harder than using snap which uses blocks. I would like to learn how and what other things Arduino can do, since I only learned what I needed to know to program my robot.
An advice I would want to give a student that is beginning this unit is to try out Arduino programming because it really isn’t that hard especially with Ms. Kim helping you, and with Arduino programming you can do a lot more things than what you can do with snap, and even if you have programming experince like me, you can still learn a lot programming in Arduino.
Sorry I can’t find any pictures of the actual robot 🙁
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