Tag: CER

Thinglink: Boxers vs. Christians

Boxer tries to protect the Chinese people but other countries want to trade with china but Boxer doesn’t like it. So other religions stop the supply that China needs. They force Chinese people to trade with them. The other people were getting bombed and get attacked by guns. So that makes the Chinese angry. The Boxer thought there was a Japanese ambassador who killed people in front of the Japanese legation and it made the Japanese government upset.

Lysander CER

In the play, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” written by William Shakespeare, Lysander loves Hermia but he is not allowed to marry her because her father, Egeus forbids it.  Lysander is brave and persuasive, but to Egeus Lysander is cunning. Lysander is brave because he stands up for who he loves, even though he knows Egeus is powerful. For example, he says to Demetrius “you have her father’s love, let me have Hermia’s. Do you marry him?” “And she is mine, and all my right of her I do estate unto Demetrius”. (lines 93-94) To which Egeus says “Scornful Lysander.” (Lines 95-98)

Lysander is Persuasive because he loves Hermia and wants to marry her and another reason is, he would run away with Hermia. Lysander says to Hermia “And to that place,` the sharp Athenian law Cannot pursue us. If thou lovest me then. Steal forth thy father’s house tomorrow night. And in the wood, a league without the town.” (Lines 162 – 165). He convinces Hermia to run away and get married!

Egeus thinks Lysander is cunning because he believes that he stole his daughter’s heart.

Egeus says Lysander, with cunning “has filched my daughter’s heart.” it means Hermia’s father doesn’t want Lysander to stay with who she loves, but Lysander somehow cunning his daughter.

Lysander is a person who is brave and persuasive and he takes the risk and stays with the women he loves and they run together.            (  away with Hermia)

The Aged Mother

“The Aged Mother”

“Oh, Honorable mother, your kindness breaks my heart! I will not leave you. Together we will follow the path of twigs, and together we will die!” this is a powerful statement made by the son in the story, “The Aged Mother” to show his loyalty to her. The son decides to sacrifice himself to save his mother’s life this shows loyalty, one of the most important themes in the story. In the story, the emperor wants to kill all the old people because he is afraid to get old and die. Because the emperor said that, the son in the story took his mom to the mountain to let her die, but his mother used the sticks to mark the road they walked. When the son realized he was wrong, he decided to go back and die with his mom. According to Matsuo Basho, the Author of the story the “Aged Mother”, loyalty usually inspires people to Ignore their own needs for someone else.

In the story, the son chose loyalty to save his mom. These two pieces of evidence that show the importance of loyalty. The first evidence is that the son thinks that loyalty is more important than death. “Oh, Honorable mother, your kindness breaks my heart! I will not leave you. Together we will follow the path of twigs, and together we will die!” He is loyal because he cares about his mother and he cares about himself too.

The emperor made a crazy request to have a rope of ashes from each person. But nobody knew how to do it except for the old mother that the son had hidden away. She told the son how to make the rope and the son showed the emperor. After he did those things, he tells the emperor he didn’t think of this is his mother thought of the idea. “Ah, that I should have forgotten the well-known saying, “with the crown of snow, there cometh wisdom!” That very hour the cruel law was abolished, and custom drifted into as far a past This shows the son wanted to save his mom and he told the emperor that he hid his mom and she solved this problem and after that, the emperor is supersized, and he changed the rules. Because the son was loyal to his mother, he opened the emperor’s mind/eyes to the value of old people.

To conclude this is my story “the Aged Mother” According to Matsuo Basho, the Author of the story the “Aged Mother”, loyalty usually inspires people to Ignore their own needs for someone else.

The Aged Mother

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