For this unit in science, we were assigned to design and create an energy transfer device within a two-week time limit.
-Marble roller coaster (potential gravitational energy to kinetic energy)
Pros: simple and basic concept, not many materials needed, the metal road can be replaced with other hard materials
Cons: not much challenge, no new skill can’t be learned, but needs technical skills to bend the metal for the track, not continuous.
Challenge: ★★☆☆☆ New skill learn: ★★☆☆☆
Audience: the main audience for this would be children since the device leans more toward a toy than an energy transfer tool.
The video gives a basic idea of the concept and procedure to make the project but does not look long-term and is executed kind of poorly for this project.
-Solar water pump (solar energy transfer)
Pros: not too hard to make and relatively simple, water pump parts can be provided.
Cons: circuit involved which is new for me, might come across some problems that need to be well thought out.
challenge: ★★★★☆ New skill learn: ★★★★★
Audience: students, an educational-based audience to show a concept of how a water pump operates on a smaller scale.
The video has the steps of how to make the circuit and water pump but used a lot of technical work and an base idea that can be used for my project.
More helpful video as it includes lots of the materials that I can find to make this project work. As well as it being more student-friendly.
+additional idea: water fountain using the idea of a water pump
-Candle carousel (heat energy transfer)
Pros: if using paper or aluminum then it’s easy to make and not many materials are needed, not hard to make. Not time-consuming.
Cons: can’t be kept for the long term, is not very aesthetically pleasing if done with simple materials, and just doesn’t look the best even when using aluminum as it can make cool designs like the ones on sale.
challenge: ★★★☆☆ New skill learn: ★★☆☆☆
Audience: kids/teens as a DIY in their free time, and an educational way to represent a way of how heat energy can be used/transferred.
Step by step that teaches you how to make a prototype of how a candle carousel works:
Gives a list of materials and a visual step-by-step that teaches you how it works.