My found poem is made from the short story “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl. The conflict of my poem is an external conflict I know this because it’s about Mary killing her husband; she didn’t even think if she should kill him or not. The protagonist is Mary the antagonist is her husband because Patrick is the one that caused himself to die. He told Mary that he is going to leave her and then when Mary finally slowed down she was too angry and then she killed him during the whole story there isn’t anywhere when Mary thought about if she should do something or not so there isn’t any internal conflict in this story but on the other hand, the external conflict is between Mary and her husband Patrick. My poem shows the concept because it says that shock motionless her first instinct was to hit him with a steel club A frozen leg of lamb All right, she told herself. So, I have killed him. I used the words shock motionless because it shows that she is in shock doesn’t know what to do then I said her first instinct was to hit him with a steel club A frozen leg of lamb it means that she wants to kill him and there is a frozen lamb leg, so she used it as if it was a steel club. My found poem shows that Mary was angry at her husband, and she took up a frozen lamb leg and hit her husband just like hitting him with a steel club. I found a picture online showing Mary grabbing onto a frozen lamb leg about to wick it onto her husband’s head, this is the main conflict of the story.
Informative writing
- 2021-2022
- Assassination
- Book club
- Book talk
- Capstone
- Central idea
- Conflict
- Documentary Video
- E-book
- Found Poem
- Ghost
- Grade 8
- Humanist
- Individuality
- Infographic
- Jason Reynolds
- Journal
- Lamb to the Slaughter
- Land reform
- Marine animals
- Mexican Revolution
- Ocean plastic pollution
- Plastic waste
- Research
- Shackles From the Deep
- Theme
- Video
- War