G9 Science Energy Transformation Project – Create and Improve

February 17th:

Gathered all the materials

Gluing the base of the car together (Cutting all the wood and stick to the correct size)

February 21st:

Soldered the electric circuit together and tried to connect with the car

Didn’t quite work, so I needed to change the design

Planned out a new design

February 23rd:

Built out new design, and it worked

The car moved very slowly, but you could see that it was working

February 27th:

Made some improvements to the car to make it go faster tried different kind of wheels, but all didn’t work as well, so I changed it back to the original one

Had some changes to how the motor was connected to the car

March 1st:
Finalizing the car and making some final changes

the car successfully goes on but still in a slow speed

Improvement and Feedback:

At first, I tried to copy the precedent I saw on youtube, but it didn’t quite work out as the rubber band wouldn’t attach the motor to the car, so I needed to think of another way to connect them. Then I thought of adding a holder on the motor and the vehicle to attach the elastic band on the scroll wheels to connect the engine and the car. It worked out quite nicely, but it also took me some time.

Then I let some classmates look at the car and give me feedback. Many of them were surprised at how the vehicle was spinning so quickly when away from the ground and moving so slowly on the floor, which gave me some thought to changing the car a bit. I needed to make the car weigh less as it is too heavy and has less energy to make it move quicker. I tried to reduce the weight of the car, I took off the wheels and tried several different kinds of wheels, but it all didn’t work out as well as the first one, so I attached the wheel back on, then I tried changing the battery to a newer battery, and it did help the car move a bit faster.

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