G9 Science Energy Transformation Project – Reflect and Share

How successful I was:

Completed making my vehicle on time

The vehicle shows a transfer of chemical potential energy to electrical energy

The vehicle can move forward with the motor powering it


At first, when I made the car exactly the same as the precedent I found online, it didn’t work out quite well. The motor wouldn’t attach to the wheels with elastic bands, so I needed to find another way to connect them. Then I thought of making two holders hold the elastic band in place, one on the motor and the other on the stick connecting the wheels. After completing this happens, it was a successful way.

My car could have more Improvements because it is moving at such a slow speed and not going in a straight line but going a bit to the left. I suggest getting a more powerful motor next time or adding another one. The car works because it moves forward until I stop it. I made the car work and move using chemical/potential energy, turning it into electric power at the end; I was also familiar with soldering and successfully connected the circuit when it broke.

Before doing this project, I had never done soldering; to connect the battery, switch, and motor together, I needed to solder them. Throughout the project, I learned how to solder the circuit together and managed to do it by myself when I needed to solder items together.


Impact on the environment and potential client/consumer:

The car is not 100% recyclable because I used a battery to power the vehicle, so it would have some impact on the environment. I also used glue and plastic that is not recyclable and will all negatively impact the environment. It is an entertaining toy that could be bought by kids or adults interested in cars.


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