G9 Engineering Project Energy Transformation Create and Improve

Feb 20th: I drafted the plans and the materials for the main body of the car and the wheels. I was not wary of the create and improve blog post so I forgot to take photos of the cardboard materials I selected.

Feb 22nd: I started making the main body of the car and finished my planning for most of the project including sprouting the idea and designing the “door” for easy access of the balloon.

Feb 24th: I attached the wheels onto the car and started working on the marvelous “door” for the easy access of the balloon that is going to be inside the car. I also made the prototype of the balloon and straw bundle that will be powering the car. The sticks were too thick for the plastic wheels so I had to make it a bit pointy to stabilize the wheels.

Fed 27th: I finished making the “door” and attached the balloon onto the car. The car however could not go 3 meters only with the balloons. Robin helped out and blew the balloon big, but it barely moved 20 centimeters due to some miscalculations on the widths of the wheels. The car also ended up weighing 164 grams, more than the 150g I planned for it.

Mar 1st: I finished the car but it was not moving as expected. I eventually used the back up plan I had on Feb 22nd to use a rubber band to power the car along the balloon. It was very successful and the car moved over 3 meters. I had technically completed all of the 3 success criteria, however, a bit flawed.

Video on how the car launched:

Car before decoration

Car after decoration: