G9 Engineering Project Energy Transformation Define and Inquire

Define and Inquire


Energy Transformation List:


M: mechanical

C: chemical

E: electrical

T: thermal

S: sound


Horizontal: transformed into

Vertical: Original energy

M x nnd mill friction bell
C Bomb x battery bomb bomb
E motor nnd x Short circuit speaker
T sun nnd steam x nnd
S nnd nnd microphone nnd x


dea 1: fan bell (mechanical to sound)

Rating: 5/10 difficulty

Attach a fan with a bell in a way that when wind passes the fan, the bell rings.


Idea 2: steam bell engine (heat to sound)

Rating: 9/10 difficulty

Have a pot of water that will boil under heat, triggering a bell.


Idea 3: water mill engine (mechanical to electric)

Rating: 6/10 difficulty

Have a water mill that spin magnets to generate electricity, eventually powering up a lightbulb.


Idea 4: balloon car (Elastic potential energy to kinetic energy) (choosing this due to nostalgia)

Rating: 6/10 difficulty

Having a car that acquires its power from a balloon.


Balloon Car Video (I will modify the recipe and procedure in my D&P section):




Target Audience:

The balloon car is made for everyone with passion to hand-powered vehicles and are fond of balloons. The car could also be used to learn physics, therefore, is suitable for every student.


Success Criteria:

  1. Finish the product by the last 2 lessons of the unit.
  2. Have the car go at least 3 meters without pushing it.
  3. Have a simplistic design that is visually appealing.