
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category: Humanities

The Opportunity Gap

Angela Ma

Ms. Difalco

June 2, 2022

The opportunity gap
Imagine sitting in a room full of people, at the front of the room, there is a bucket; everybody has a crumpled piece of paper held in hand and is required to throw the papers into the bucket without leaving their seat. Does each person have an equal chance of making it in? No, the unchangeable essence of unfairness of this issue presents itself as The Opportunity gap. In the metaphor above, the place one sits at represents the opportunities presented in the circumstance, for example being seated towards the back leads having a smaller chance of throwing the paper into the bin, this exemplifies the person having less fortunate circumstances than the people seated at the front, whether it be racial, gender, religion, or simply domestic environment that results in people sitting “at the back of the room”, the distance between the people towards the front and people at the back is the differences that differ one another’s opportunities. The opportunity gap is still a big issue as of today and is only growing bigger and bigger. The opportunity gap is based on opportunities and resources in a person’s lifetime, whereas the achievement gap is the unequal distribution of results or benefits.

Equal Education 1

“The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer” is a very common, popular saying, unfortunately this saying could not be truer. In the US, the number of resources a student gets depends on the state, and the income supplying schools comes from taxes. Therefore, poorer states will result in less yearly tax which results in less educational benefit. In 2016, the school tuition for Fairfax County Virginia cost $13,700, compared to Scott County Mississippi, whereases the school tuition only cost $7,900. On average 83% of students from high income families get into college after high school, however only 63% of low-income students attend (Schools & Social Inequality: Crash Course) More sophisticated education equals a higher chance of success later in life. A study done in 2018 proves this point further; “by increasing the school’s financial income by 10%, students learnt 7% more as a result.” (Crash Course) This is proof that the financial state of students does greatly impact the course of students in the future, limited resources result in less effective learning.

Protest for Equal Education 1

However, will giving all schools equal finances be enough to close the gap? While doing so may certainly make the gap smaller, it won’t necessarily be enough to close it completely. In a child’s preliminary stages of life, it is quite dependent on the household environment, and the behavior of important adult figures can heavily affect a developing child, “Parents educational attainment has an important influence on the environments they create for their children, and it is a predictor of cognitive and behavioral outcomes,” states The Urban Child Institute, unhealthy domestic lifestyle can include domestic violence, child neglect, and parental narcissistic tendencies.  An unhealthy domestic lifestyle can result in the child falling into a seemingly endless, unforgiving vicious cycle. For example, domestic abuse and neglect can lead to healthcare issues, which leads to poor attendance and the lingering traumatic effects, which often leads to ineffective learning, low-income households may lead to poor nutrition which may lead to trouble focusing throughout school hours.

Children in Vietnam  1

Race and gender, as mentioned before, are too uncontrollable factors that can heavily tilt the scales of lives of people of all ages. Unfortunately, gender and racial oppression is still very common even today, people usually sitting “at the back of the room” are people of color, and women. Systemic oppression is still a big issue as of today, deeply rooted in the government system, and over time it becomes normalized.Systemic oppression is systematic and has historical antecedents; it is the intentional disadvantaging of groups of people based on their identity while advantaging members of the dominant group (gender, race, class, sexual orientation, language, etc.).” (National Equity Project). Regrettably, people of color face oppression not only in a school environment, but in other aspects of life, Passive oppression in our schools is a form of racism and privilege that must be overcome,” states Rosa Perez-Isiah, educational leaders must embrace the reality and become accountable for the learning and success of all learners. This begins by acknowledging the privilege, power, and racism that exist in the educational system.

Imagine, throwing the crumpled piece of paper and it misses the bucket; suddenly, a hand grabs the piece of paper littered on the floor and places it in the bucket. This helping hand represents the importance of school counselors and supporting figures in a person’s life. Simply having a supportive figure in one’s life can greatly change its trajectory for the better and school supplying good counselors can support a growing child’s education and lifestyle. Gender, wage, and race are uncontrollable factors, and trying to change them are impossible. However, making the best out of the circumstances given, and working towards a better future is something that is within power.

Works Cited

“The Education Crisis: Being in School Is Not the Same as Learning.” The World Bank, 22 Jan. 2019, Accessed 13 May 2022.


Isiah, Rosa Perez. “Passive Oppression in Education: Fueling the Achievement Gap.” Medium, 23 Jan. 2018, Accessed 16 May 2022.


“Passive Oppression in Education: Fueling the Achievement Gap.” Medium, 15 May 2022, Accessed 23 Jan. 2018.


“The Lens of Systemic Oppression.” National Equity Project,,%2C%20language%2C%20etc.). Accessed 16 May 2022.


Schools and Social Inequality: Crash Course Sociology #41. Directed by Crash Course, 2019. YouTube, Accessed 13 May 2022.


The Urban Child Institute. Accessed 19 May 2022.


“World Inequality Database on Education.” UNESCO, Accessed 12 May 2022.







Mexican Revolution 1910-1920 Henry Lane Wilson Hatepage

The Mexican revolution occurred from 1910-1920 and was a bloody fight for land and rights, in this video we will explain the details of the Mexican revolution and how it impacted the lives of million of people.  During the revolution, there were a total of 5 presidents that came in and out of power, Porfivirio Diaz, Francisco I. Madero, Victoriano Huerta, Venustiano Carrana and Alvaro Obregon. The Mexican revolution were 10 bloody years full of mistrust and backstabbing, watch the video to learn more.

Moxie book report

The book Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu is about a young girl named Vivian who lives in Texas, she faces sexism in her school every day and it s normalized in her daily life. one day she finds her moms old albums of girlbands like bikini kill and riot grrlss, she gets inspired and wants to change her school environment, she starts making a zine called “moxie” and hangs them around the school, moxie then turns into a big movement at her school and the girls make a change.

Am I a Humanist?

I am 100% humanist. I think it’s a very progressive way of thinking. I believe that everyone should be equal, and questioning everything is bette than just going with tradition. By learning about our past, we can analyze it and improve on things that could be better.

“The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant” – W. D. Wetherell



The first extract I took from the story symbolizes sheila mants hatred for fishing, this is the beginning of the internal conflict because the main character is choosing either the bass or to impress Sheila Mant, as stated in the second sentence. i added in a description of the sea bass to let the reader know that the main character had already caught a fish.  The last sentences represent the main characters conflict in choosing Sheila Mant or the bass. In the end, he chooses Sheila Mant but with great difficulty. “With a sick nauseous feeling” i added the parts about sheila mant to alternate between the parts about the bass to create a feeling of conflict. I used this background to show the setting where this all took place. The protagonist is the main character and the antagonist could be also himself because he feared sheila mants judgment, the antagonist can also be seen as sheila.

Percy Jackson Informative Blog

In the book Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Percy has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). In this essay I will be talking about causes and effects of Percy’s choices from page 1-45. And how ADHD can benefit him in different situations.


Percy responds well to change and can think quickly. In chapter 1 Percy is on a field trip with his school Yancy academy. On page 12-15, Percy is taken into the museum by his math teacher Mrs. Dodds after drenching his classmate, Nancy Bobofit, with water. Things start to get strange when Mrs. Dodds starts to transform into something that isn’t human, “She wasn’t human, she was a shriveled hag with bat wings and a mouth full of yellow fangs, and she was about to slice me to ribbons.” Mrs. Dodds turned into a monster trying to harm Percy. Suddenly Mr. Brunner appears and tosses a pen to Percy. The pen turned into a long bronze sword while Mrs. Dodds lunged at Percy, Percy swung the sword which causes Mrs. Dodds to evaporate into yellow powder. When Percy exits the building, he finds everyone the same as before, but strangely no one seems to remember Mrs. Dodds. The actions in this chapter affected Percy the most because it leaves him wondering and lost when he’s the only one who seems to remember Mrs. Dodds. Percy reacted quickly in this situation by still defending himself in time despite all the confusing events that happened before.


The events that happened in this chapter was signs of Percy’s ADHD taking effect. In the article Neurodiversity: a different view on ADHD, Cricket media states that there are many different types of ADHD and is sometimes beneficial, “They like to be outdoors and move their bodies. They respond well to change” The sentence “they respond well to change” is what happened to Percy in chapter 1. ADHD benefited him by giving him better reflexes which was what helped him defend himself against Mrs. Dodds. “A brain thinking in many directions is able to observe many different things and come up with surprising solutions.” He reacted quickly and used the best solution in that situation.


In conclusion, Percy’s ADHD is not always a bad thing it helps him resolve problems by giving him the ability to react quickly in challenging situations, which will be helpful if he’s a half-blood since half-bloods attract monsters and will have dangerous situations similar to the one with Mrs. Dodds.

Percy Jackson blog

In the book Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Percy is brave. When Percy, Grover and his mom were approaching half-blood hill, they encountered the Minotaur. The minotaur was a dangerous beast from the underworld sent to kill them. At the top of the hill, the minotaur attacked them but instead of running away to safety, Percy refuses to leave his mom and Grover. In chapter 4, “I climbed across Grover and pushed the door open into the rain. We’re going together. Come on, mom.” In this piece of evidence, Percy says he is not going to leave his mom even though he knows he might get killed.


Later in the story Percy’s mom gets taken by the minotaur, but instead of running away Percy decides to fight the minotaur regardless of the little experience he had. “Anger replaced my fear. Newfound strength burned in my limbs” He found the courage to fight and kill the minotaur even when he just lost his mother. “The monster hunched over, snuffling my best friend as if he was about to lift Grover up and make him dissolve too, I couldn’t allow that.”

He is brave by telling the readers he will not allow another person who he cares about to die like his mom. Percy Jackson then proceeds to attract the Minotaur’s attention to him instead Grover, putting his own life in danger.

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