Percy needs help now! His attitude toward school is just awful, and he has no self-confidence at all. He doesn’t think that he is worth anything and has just given up. This is horrible! How are we going to help him? He doesn’t believe in himself and has low self-esteem.
Firstly, I am going to talk to you about how Percy doesn’t think that he is worth all of the trouble and he just doesn’t feel confident. He thinks he is a bad student just because he is dyslexic. To be honest, being dyslexic doesn’t define you and you shouldn’t let the negative thoughts get to you Being dyslexic doesn’t mean that you’re not a good student. As long as you are trying and pushing yourself to get better every time then that doesn’t mean that you are a bad student. As a student, I have also experienced times when I just didn’t think that I was good enough but I understand that there are people that care about me and so now I’m going to help Percy understand that he also has people that care about him. Percy has his own talents and his own strengths and weaknesses. Later on, in the book, it shows that he is very loyal and there are a few examples of this at the beginning of the book. For example, “I got into more fights with Nancy Bobofit and her friends. I was sent out into the hallway in almost every class.” This shows that he was sticking up for Grover, even if it meant that he would be sent out of class and even kicked out of school. If Percy tried a different approach to learning that suits himself more, that may help improve how he thinks about himself and show that he can do very well.
Now I am going to talk about the fact that he doesn’t have a good attitude towards school and his study habits. As a student myself I know that a good mindset always helps me succeed when working towards a goal. Because Percy isn’t very confident, he doesn’t have a positive attitude. In the article, How to Focus on Studying, it states that “Negative thoughts make studying all but impossible.” I find that Percy believes that he just can’t do it but instead maybe he should be thinking, I can’t do it now, but I will try to do it by… This way he has a positive mindset. Another example is, “Some people frequently feel the need to be doing something physically.” This shows and connects to the fact that he has ADHD and he can’t focus. This also shows that he should try a different way of learning.
In conclusion, Percy has many abilities and he has to learn to work with them instead of fighting against them. I can relate to how he feels because I have also felt unworthy and fight against the positives. Percy should think about all the things he cares about, but not doing it for them. Instead, he should be doing this for himself.
I like how you added a hook in the title and the introduction paragraph to make this more interesting.