Mini Beach Ball Game Reflection!!!!!

In our design class we where making cardboard arcade games for a class of fourth-graders. The game that my partner and I created is called Mini Beach Ball Game!!! Basically, you launch the ping pong ball into the hoops using a launcher, and you see how many points you can get in five tries.

If I did this again, one thing I would do differently is that I would put the hoops in different spots because the fourth-graders had some trouble-shooting in the 20 points hoop. Als the highest hoop for 30 points was a lot harder than the other hoops because the resistance in the rubber band wasn’t as high as when we were making the game, so the ball wasn’t launched high enough to reach the hoop.

One piece of advice I would give a future student doing this project is to not play their cardboard arcade game too much before the fourth graders play the game because the games are made of cardboard and are easy to break.

My biggest obstacle was that the rubber band on the launcher didn’t have enough resistance which caused the ball not to be able to launch up into the hoops.


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