Category Archives: Reading

Reflective Reading Blog Post

So far, I have read two books. The first book I read was a cartoon version of animal farm. This book used animals to represent the different social classes and how there will always be someone who is above others. The second book which is book I am currently reading is a book called Sapiens. This book talks about how sapiens were able to get to where we are. This book goes into detail about the cognitive revolution, the industrial revolution, and more. Personally, I think that the book Sapiens has had the biggest impact on me because I have developed a new way of seeing different things, and has made me question what caused the difference between sapiens from other animals. The thing that surprised me so far from my book is how sapiens are only able to work together because of our ability to believe in things that do not exist. These beliefs unite us and are the reason why we are able to function as such a large society. Something else that surprised me is that humans really did not gain much personally from farming. If they stuck to being gatherers they would have had a better life in the short term but by farming, humans slowly industrialized and developed our society to where it is now.