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The French Revolt!

The photo above was found here.

When you first hear the words, French revolution, what do you think? Do you think about all the people that had died or do you think about the guillotine monster? Well, this video will tell you all you need to know about the French revolution. From the peasant uprising to the return of Napoleon. This video covers it all. Now, let me tell you a little about what France was like before the revolution. There were many causes to the French revolution. In pre-revolutionary France, people were split into three estates and peasants had no power and worked hard whilst the higher estates had parties and spent money on jewelry and fancy outfits. This was one of the main reasons for the French revolution.

Adventure into the Coldest Place on Earth

Lost in the Antarctic written by Tod Olson is a book about the doomed voyage of the Endurance. The Endurance is the name of the ship that the crew of 27 men went on for a trip into Antarctica on December 5, 1914. This book follows the crew on their journey as they adventure into the Antarctic. During this unit, I took many notes of themes and central ideas and learned about the journey to the coldest place on earth.

. From: 

On this page, I was looking at how the captain, Shackleton, treated his crew. I noticed how he was making sure that they were happy and willing to keep going. I used this page to put out all of my thoughts and make sure that I had evidence and page numbers from different areas of the book.

On this page, I was looking at cause and effect. I found that there were many causes and effects of different things and this helped me to connect the things that were happening in the book. Because of this page, I was able to find different reasons why the crew wanted to go on the voyage into the coldest place on earth.


For this page, I looked at parts that I found confusing or that I felt had more information that I may have missed and reread them so that I would be able to understand what was happening and get important details. I used the post-it notes at the bottom of my page to see the themes and central ideas to track my thinking throughout the book.


On this page, I was looking at a theme that kept showing up. I used this page to track my thinking and to list out the evidence and the different areas of the book where these themes were mentioned. As I was developing my theme I tried to look at what the author wanted to teach me.