This a found poem about the Story Button Button
Main Idea
The story Button Button is about a couple (Norma and Arthur) that received a box with a button on top. Once you pressed the button, you will kill a random person in the world; in return, you will receive a payment of $50,000. In this story, Norma (The Wife) couldn’t resist the lure of $50,000 so she pressed it which ultimately killed her husband (Arthur) because she doesn’t know her husband well.
For the story Button Button, I believe the main conflict is when Norma allowed Mr. Steward (The salesman) to introduce the box. I believe, this event ultimately led Norma convinced to press the button. Because of this, I’ve chosen many words surround Mr. Steward introducing the box.
The First word
The first word I chosen is ‘Come In’ in the sentence
““May I come in?” Asked Mr. Steward”
The reason I chosen ‘Come In’ is because it shows the point where everything started when he introduce ‘the box’ to the couples. Indeed, many of my friend said the conflict could be when she received the box; however, she could’ve simply thrown the box away and never have this chain of an event happening.
The Next Few Words
The Next few words I’ve chosen are Valuable, and Mr. Steward. I believe it’s important to include these words because it’s giving us, the reading a general idea of what Mr. Steward (the Sales man) is doing. So, by emphasizing the words I’ve chosen, we can relate that the author is probably telling that he got something to say about the value of the box
Description of the Box
The Next words I’ve chosen is about the description of the box and emotion of the characters. For the description, I’ve chosen words such as Push, Button, Don’t Know, Die, $50,000. All of these words are telling the reader the function of the box. When putting them together you will notice, ’Push button’ then someone you ‘don’t know’ will ‘die’ and receive ‘$50,000’. For emotion of characters, I’ve chosen ‘smiling’ because it came after Mr. Steward introduces the box. From this, we can inference that Mr. Stewards is up to no good.
Internal Conflict and External Conflict
After reading the story button button, I believe there’re both Internal and External conflict because for Norma and Arthur both of them all had second thoughts marking some points of Internal Conflict. As for the external conflict, it’s Norma vs Arthur because Norma think it’s ok to kill someone while Arthur don’t.
First Hint of External and Internal Conflict
The first few words that marked the external conflict is tore, don’t care, curious, intrigue, offends, maybe, why, and thought. The reason I think these words gives the hint of external and internal conflict is because it showed their actions and their thoughts just by using a word. For example, ‘tore’ it was a word from the sentence
“When he was gone, Arthur tore Mr. Steward’s card in half.”
This sentence is telling us that Arthur doesn’t like the idea of killing someone. In this case, he is having an external conflict with Mr. Steward because he disagree with his idea.
Then, the words such as don’t care, curious, intrigue, offends, maybe, and why. It’s from a conversation between Arthur and Norma. A conversation full of external and internal conflict because Norma want the money while Arthur don’t. Showing a strong external conflict. On the other hand, the words thought in the story shows every often because Norma is always having thought showingher own internal conflict of deciding to push the button.
My Art
The Art of my story mainly contains words that I highlighted that marked the story. Also, I included words such as 深渊,人生,and also a famous chinese saying 当你凝望深渊,深渊也在凝视你 which means when you look at the darkness, the darkness is looking at you.
If you want to read the story here: