In this unit of humanities, we get to choose which revolution we want to learn. I have chosen the Cuban revolution. In this task, we were asked to write a journal of a person during that period. My character Escobar is a Cuban that lives in Mexico City where he was inspired by Castro leading a strike on the Moncada Barracks on 26 July 1953. Without a doubt, he joined the rebellion group created by Castro and Che. The M-26-7.  They set sail on a boat called the Granma and landed in Cuba. It was harsh. They met many challenges during the revolution, and I wrote his reactions toward many of these events.  On 1959/1/1 they overthrew the corrupted government marking a victory. I hope you enjoy my journal!

One thought on “Escobar’s Journal. The Cuban Revolution

  1. I really like the amount of historical facts included in the journals. Next time, I recommend adding some dialogue to make it interesting.

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