I’m currently going to finish the novel, “The Thin Red Line” The book is about a battalion, C – for Charlie, during the taking back of Guam during WW2. The different novel character and the book contains many detailed actions during the battle with the Japanese on the island. The novel sets a character development of each character and how they grow throughout the story. In the beginning, the harsh rain forest filled with diseases Guam made it challenging to navigate. However, as time passed, all the soldiers adapted to the rainforest. Before this book, I read the book called 3001, it’s a science fiction book. I enjoyed it because the book makes me think about your perspective of the world if you were dead for over 1000 years and got revived. For my next book, I might read another science fiction book because after reading the book 3001, I like how science fiction books make me think about things that might happen but are not achievable yet.

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