Percy Jackson

“He was the only teacher whose class didn’t put me into sleep.” – Percy Jackson. This shows that Percy Jackson gives up and quitted most of subjects. In order corporate better, Percy Jackson need to focus on task, learn how to hold his temper and understand his own emotions. Percy will feel better after understanding how to corporate better


Percy Jackson clearly have trouble focusing on task and always think negatively. As said in the book, he gets distracted easily. Due to getting distracted, he got bad grades, which lead to he thinks that he’s bad at everything. However, he has a favorite class, which is Mr. Brunner’s class, Latin, “”He was the only teacher whose class didn’t put me into sleep.”” Only liking one class, isn’t the best way to think. One of the suggestions in the article is, “Negative thought makes study all but impossible.” And, “Think positively and never think negatively because make you give up.” From this bit of suggestion, just by thinking positively, you can get huge difference in the end. All in all, I highly recommend that he read the article, if Percy Jackson want to improve his action.


He’s also a person can’t hold temper and never think problems thoroughly. In the book, after he killed Ms. Dodds, he doesn’t want to talk to anyone. Without telling the problem he always acts weird around people; which people doesn’t like. However, he can solve this problem easily. After watching a video about controlling temper, He can do what the article said, “If you’re about to flip the lid (About to get mad) you can always talk to teachers and people that you trust.” He can tell Mr. Brunner, or Grover to release stress. Overall, after Percy Jackson read the article, he’ll understand how to solve problem with feelings.


Percy Jackson is a person can’t understand his own emotions, which makes people around him uncomfortable. An example in the book is, “Nancy Bobofit snickered something about the naked guy on the stele, and I turned around and said, ” Will you shut up?” From this, we can tell that Percy said something that the bully doesn’t like, and it seems like he’s about the bullied. Even after this, Percy still try to act strong Infront of a bully. However, there’s a lot of ways to fix it. An example is, “We can even take notes about our feelings and what might have caused them. You might then recall what happened before you experienced that emotion.” This information tells us that even if something has happened you can still do something about it. In the end, Percy Jackson should read this book because he’ll let him understand the key of understand his own emotions and how to fix any emotion, action and problems next time.


Even though, Percy Jackson is a demigod he should still understand that working as a team and corporate better. He should do more focusing, handling emotion and understand his temper to control his temper. At last, learning cooperating with the ones that you don’t like will be the key of life. Without corporation no one will never get to solve problems.


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