Do you want to live in a world that has no hope for future life and future human beings having grief toward their ancestor hundreds of years ago (Us)? The answer is probably a no. Then, plastic should prominently not be banned. Firstly, it will cause a devastating blow toward our diversity by having millions and billions of people lose their jobs and many people becoming homeless after losing their jobs. Secondly, research shows that bag bags are biodegradable so switching to paper bags, but will not biodegrade due to the amount of plastic bags in landfills. Lastly, if replace plastic bags using alternative sources like paper bags, it’ll even create more pollution air/water pollutions than plastic bags which can cause serious harm to the environment. So, one-time use plastic shouldn’t be banned because it’ll cause millions of people lose their jobs, paper bags are not biodegradable in real scenario, and using alternative sources like paper bags can cause more harm than plastic bags.

Firstly, if plastic were to be banned, millions of people will lose their jobs across the world it will strike a devastating blow across our diversity. Supporters in Philadelphia claimed, “If plastics were to be banned in this state, there could be 1500 jobs lost at 14 facilities.” To add on, Supporters in Los Angles states that, “There will be a loss of 1000 workers in Los Angles if plastics were banned.” This is only a state and a city. If this is banned across the globe it will cause a destructive damage to our society.

The opposition might argue that plastic bags are not decomposable, so paper bags are a better alternative because papers are decomposable. It’s certainly true that paper can biodegrade in landfills in about a month. However, due to the amount of plastic in landfills, the microbes that are supposed to eat the paper bags won’t get there in time for decomposing the paper bags that are newly dumped. To build on, if we replace all plastic bags with reusable bags like cotton bags it’ll even cause more harm than good. Research shows that cotton bags need to reuse at least 20000 times to make a complete recovery the production pollution. Compared to plastic bags you would only need to reuse 4 times to recover the production pollution. All in all, all of the evidence suggests that switching to alternative will cause more harm than good, this suggests that we should keep on using plastic to make our future greater.

Lastly, if papers were used as an alternative source for plastic, it could harm humanity more. Research indicates that paper bags can generate up to 70% more air pollutants, 50 times more water pollution, and takes 4 times as much energy to produce paper bags than plastic bags. To build on, each year we cut down 15 billion trees, and we only replant around 5 billion trees. This indicates that by using paper, and not using one time use plastics it could harm humanity by cutting down more trees each year causing faster global warming, dumping wastes and pollutions in both water and air which will make our earth more contaminated.

In the end, the government shouldn’t ban one time use plastics because it’ll create more problems than you might think. It will make many people lose their jobs across the globe, using alternative sources like paper because it’s biodegradable but in the real scenario it’s not, and paper will create much more water and air pollution. All in all, the trend of plastic bags should continue across the world if you want to save earth from global warming.

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