Reflect and Share Science G9 14 Day Project

Final Product Air Raid Siren: Success Criteria: Complete the project within the time limit following the schedule ✅ The siren creates an air raid siren whistle sound at least 80 decibels from 1m away ❌ Most of the people agree that the siren is visually appealing ✅ How Does the Device Operate? The batteries transfer […]


Develop and Plan G9 14 Days Science Project

After deciding to make an air raid siren for my science project, I started making sketches of my visualization for the project. General Concept Sketch: Video Analysis: This video shows the main components needed to build a small air raid siren using 3D-printed parts.   The second video I used to develop my air raid […]


Capstone Project

Global warming is a serious issue. It may seem distant, but it is happening right now. Should countries push further installments of geothermal plants? If so, there are many ways to make geothermal more widespread both globally and locally,  The global temperature is rising each year. Two years ago, at the north pole, one of […]