“What is your product idea and who is your audience?”:

At the moment, the product is an alteration to soup dumplings (which -in my mind- then connects this project to Chinese Cuisine). The alteration being the ‘soup-filling’ of the soup dumplings. One of the original/ starting ideas, was to have the soup in the soup dumplings be alphabet soup, however one of my group mates seems to like the idea of having other ‘soup-filling’ options: while I am ok with this idea, part of me still likes and leans toward the alphabet soup, so maybe that could be the variation we (or I) focus on? I am not sure, but perhaps I am leaning towards alphabet soup because that helped lead me to think of certain target audiences and designs.

Speaking of which, I think (/plan on) we are going to go with the base of foreigners/tourists. I hope we can then further specify to families and children. Brigette had the idea of theme parks, and I found a place to buy food in Shanghai Disney, that I think can work! The theme of the food place is related to ToyStory (linking to my association of alphabet soup and children/youth). I think the food place is open for/ around lunch (which I can see working with alphabet soup dumplings), and after some research, the ToyStory character Forkie: which could be an implicated theme/ decoration inspiration for the product, to better link it to the ToyStory theme (Brigette helped think of ways to implicate Forkie).

“What are your plans for data collection and [modeling], as a group or individual?”:

Some possible survey themes/questions could be to support my association with youth and alphabet soup or maybe I can research why, I suspect it has to do with the ‘alphabet’ part; so maybe I could see if I can find others supporting that connection, so it is not just me think this (maybe because you usually learn the alphabet when you are young).

Maybe one survey could be asking peoples thoughts on this idea/product. Another could be to see if people associated Forkie as innocent and child like (and therefore, in my eyes, a good option for the product theme).

“What is your role in the team?”:

Right now, I kinda feel like the person in charge, as I am kinda telling and directing people. So maybe part of my job could be checking in on people, and trying to make sure we are on the same page. But in terms of what to work on, I like design and art, so maybe packaging. But also, maybe looking more into where it would go, as I have already done some work finding a possible restaurant, however I fear that would be too little, so maybe then theming the product. I am not sure, our team still needs to figure out everyone’s roles.

“What are some potential challenges you may run into over the next 2-3 weeks?”:

Lack of organization and time. In most of the classes (I think) for this product, we haven’t had our full team present at once, and while we can send emails, it can make it harder to check in on people and how fast you get their thoughts. We have yet to figure out everyone’s roles. And I would like to further specify our target audience, and re-disccuss (as a team) our goals/aims.

And as I feel we are behind, there comes the chances of use not being able to get sone what we desire, in the remaining time.

Hopefully we will be able to get eveyone roles, that they are happy with, because I worry Brigette and I want to work on similar things, so maybe we can either find a middle ground, I work on something else, or we work on it together. Who knows? Hopefully we will be able to have all our team present more often these coming classes, than not. (At least next (or these next) coming class, so we can get everything sorted out, so we can start working.)