"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category Photography

Blog Post 6

    the black and white split creates a strong and apparent visual contrast to the audience, which can be eye-catching to some. personally, I really like the second image because of its simplicity and the way the clock is… Continue Reading →

Blog Post 5

  This is an image taken by photographer Uta Barth. Uta Barth might have taken this image at this moment because she saw the well-grown trees on the left side of the camera. It also contrasts with the straight lines… Continue Reading →

Blog post 4: Formal Elements

Line Shape Repetition/pattern Texture Value/Tone Focus

Blog Post 2: Abstract Photography Definition

Abstract photography is work that captures ordinary simple shapes or items and turns them into something more interesting and complex to look at. Abstract photography often jumps out of the box of photography; in other words, it differs from common… Continue Reading →


Describe your Initial thoughts about the unit. What do you think is meant by “Abstract photography can be defined as capturing images in which the subject isn’t the most interesting element”? The concept of “abstract” appears to me as using… Continue Reading →

Candy Chen_Photography Blog Post one: “Wrong”

For the first picture in this collection, I aimed to display a confusing visual effect for my audience. In order to do this, I decided to break the following photography rules: emphasis, composition, and sharpness. Because the camera is placed… Continue Reading →

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