

Category: Photography (page 4 of 4)

WRONG- Some Rules of Photography

What is the purpose of rules in photography?

The purpose of rules in photography in my opinion is to created interesting and quality photos.


What are (some of) the most important rules in photography?


The photo should be on focus:

the main subject should stand out by using techniques. (for example, placing main subject in the middle, brightest colour in the middle)



The photo should be somehow balance, the use of line and shape is very important.


Fill the frame:

The photo should not include other object at the photographer do not wish to include.



Leading lines


Center dominant eye




Science Engineering Project

 #1: Define and Inquire

In this science engineering unit, we were asked to design a toy or educational device for a specific user that represents energy transfer. Me and Susana were thinking about designing a toy that is easy to use, easy understandable and reach the educational usage. 

For some reason we weren’t together at the beginning of this project, so we find ideas separately.

Susanna decided to build this thermal energy-powered fan. But she think it wouldn’t be as much fun as building the car, so she changed her mind. This entire fan may be simple to assemble, with no challenges, so she suggested it to me that we chose another design with more challenges. 




Rubber band car


I liked this idea because it is a car that is powered by energy in a rubber band. This represents potential energy in the form of elastic energy. When a car’s axle is turned, the rubber band is stretched. In addition, this idea meets our standard, easy use and have an educational use.  However, we thought this is very easy to build so we decide to let this be our prototype of the project and see if we have better idea than this.

Balloon-powered car

Then we found this balloon-powered car. We really liked this idea because it meets our standards, and it is very interesting. This represents energy transfer from potential energy (stored in the balloon) transformed into kinetic energy. 

Our target audience is children aged 5-12 years old. The toy car is designed to help children develop lung capacity while learning about energy transfer.

We decided to make the ballon-powered car because it is achievable in the time we have, is safe and interesting for our target audience’s age group, and have an educational usage. 


#2: Develop and Plan  

Here is our drawn Model, the length of the toy car was 24cm and the width was 11.5cm.

Plan Model  

Creating this project,  we need to learn how to use a power drill because we have to perforate plastic bottles. We will ask one of the design lab teacher to teach us how to safely use it.

The materials weed need are:

  1. Balloon *1
  2. Plastic bottle *1
  3. Wooden wheel *4
  4. Thin plastic straw *2
  5. Thick plastic straw *1
  6. Wooden stick *4


Our plan:

lesson 1: Plan and draw model

lesson 2: Find material and start building

lesson 3: Building

Lesson 4: Building

Lesson 5: Building & testing

Lesson 6: Feedback and fixing

Lesson7: Decorating


#3: Create and Improve  

Different to what we planed, we finished our drawn model earlier than

we think, so we started building.


We found this mouthwash bottle in a recycled plastic area at school, and we thought it was just the right size so we used it as the body of our toy car. The Video is showing me I’m punching the bottle with a power drill. We decided to use wood wheels, plastic straw, wooden stick and paper straw for the car.


The above two image shows how our car looks like for the first lesson. After we put everything together, we realized the wheels were too small, so the undercarriage of our car was touching the ground so it couldn’t move. So we change the wheels in to bigger rubber texture wheels.


After changing the wheels, an other problem came out.


Now the wheels are bigger but its weight went up. The sticks inside will move from side to side as they go along. We asked the teacher for solution, and her advice was to fix the place next to the plastic straw so that it could catch a moving stick.

After we finished fixing, we realized the potential energy stored in the balloon might not be strong enough to move our car.


We then asked Mr Hussack about how can we fix the car so it can be move by the energy stored inside the balloon and he suggested we could do a testing just on the straw and the balloon and see if the balloon can move the straw first.


In fact he is right, there’s not enough gas in this balloon to push a plastic straw, let alone our rubber four-wheeled car. Then Mr Hussack said we could change our car into boat. We thought that was a brilliant suggestion because we don’t need to change much that we already have and the chance of succeeding is very high because in water, the air stored in the balloon can better push the product forward. So we cut the wheels off the car and replace it with two ‘wings’ that we found in the crap plastic box to help the boat better sit on water. After that,  we were still worried that the water would fill the bottle and the boat would sink to the bottom, so we found four strips of inflatable plastic, and we cut them in half and glued them to the bottom of each stick.

Boat after fixing


We are quit satisfied at this stage and went testing our boat.


After testing we found out that the balloon’s position is not in the center of the boat, so when we release it, it will spin in a circle. Also, because we don’t have big plastic straw and we wanted the air to go thought the straw quickly, so we replace the straw with paper straw. The problem with paper straw is that it softens for a while after it hits the water. So we decided to put two  popsicle stick on the top of the boat to make the balloon stable and cover the whole boat (including the paper straw) with duck tape.

Surprisingly,  after all the crushing failures, we still have one class left. We decided to decorate our boar so it doesn’t look like a duck tape boat. We first thought we can paint the boat but then realized the paint will fall off the boat when it it the water, so we spray paint the boat. The colour we have chosen is rainbow because pride week is coming right after we finish our project to we wanted to support the LGBTQ+ community. We also added scientific symbols in white pens.

A video of us spray painting the boat.

#4: Reflect and Share 

Final Product

Explain how it works/doesn’t work using scientific terminology  

Explain the impact of this project on the environment, and the potential client/consumer/audience.  

All in all, we were successful because our battleship-like boats had successfully passed the experiment. I think our greatest success is to face the difficulties and failures of production engineering and then solve them. We also improved our skills with the drill during the process. Area we need to improve is to make more detailed plans, because we are in a very fast speed during our building process that sometimes we don’t think about some possible problems. If we have more time to improve our product, I would like to change the paper straw to plastic straw so we don’t have to use that huge amount of plastic and adding a cap on the bottle to we don’t need to worry about water getting inside.

This product have both a negative and positive impact on the environment due to the fact that it is made out of plastic but it is also made out of plastic in the reuse bin.

The final product is a boat that converts potential energy to kinetic energy. The client is required to blow air into the tube to store potential energy inside the balloon. The user must pinch the tube until they reach the water’s surface, so when the air is released from the balloon, it will push the boat.



ISB Backstage Tour

ES Theater


A an other stage located in the main stage of the es theater that can extend forward and upward to form a thrust. A Thrust is a stage that extends into the auditorium so that the audience is seated around three sides. This stage allow performers interacted with audience and are use in different properties.


Stage wings(left and right):

(PS a cute picture of Ms Hill and the right wing)

Stage wings are areas just off stage left or stage right, that could not seen by the audience. The wing space is used for performers getting ready to enter, set storage for scenery changes, and stagehand work. Wings also house technical equipment like the fly system.


HS Theater

The Wing space of HS Theater are larger than ES, also a platform that can rise below stage upward to the stage. HS theater also have two levels of lighting-catwalk  and it can contain 600 people. It is Built in 2001 and have more flies tied up to frame compared to ES theater. However, HS Theater use traditional lights that create more heat compared to the led light in the ES Theater and have constantly replace lightbulb.

Old Control board:                                  Fly system:

This is an old style button control board located in HS theater on the left side of the stage behind the wing. It’s job is to control the flies which is used to control the flies, which are a system of rope lines, blocks (pulleys), counterweights, and related devices within a theater which allows a stage crew to fly (hoist) components such as curtains, lights, scenery, stage effects, and, or sometimes, people.

Cat walk:

This is the Catwalks of the HS theater. Catwalks are increased walkways that allow access to technical and service areas above the stage or auditorium. They may also act as a link between fly-floors. These elevated work surfaces are a tripping hazard.

Hydraulic lifts:

This is a bottom view of the Hydraulic lift that is located in the HS theater. Hydraulic lift can move heavy objects around the stage and also serve as an entrance point for actors.

Food Waste—‘Water-oil separation spoon’

For my design of this unit, I invented a spoon that can separate oil from the soup to solve my partner Francessca’s issue when she eats Udon noodles.

Picture of brainstorming web of my favorite foods


Picture of practice sketch.

Picture of my ‘Water-oil separation spoon’ prototype.


For my unit’s design, I invented a spoon that can separate oil from the soup to solve my partner Francessca’s issue when she eats Udon noodles. My most significant success was the idea I came up with the “Water-oil separation spoon”. My biggest obstacle is that I don’t have suitable materials for the prototype. Skills I developed include drawing a sketch with details and labels when drawing my design sketches and my thinking skills when I think about how to solve the problem of my partner. Also, the photo-taking technique that Mr. Layman teach is very useful. Something I learned about myself during this project is that I focus a lot when I draw. Something I’d like to change about my prototype is the material, I would like to change the paper into the metal to make it work. I think my work on this project relates to the real world very much because the problem that my partner has is very common in reality. The soup is inevitably too oily in People’s Daily life, and to be honest, people won’t eat much when that happens. So even though the work on this project might be a little bit crazy to solve the problem, I still think it is very useful. One piece of feedback I’ve gotten on my prototype is the idea is cool, but it would be nice if the material were not paper. One piece of advice I’d give a future student doing this project is to draw many ideas sketches, so when you decide on which one you make you won’t be limited by one or two designs and wear masks, wash hands frequently, and disinfect frequently and don’t do this online Overall, I think my prototype was a success because I created the outlook the same as my sketch of it, and I also don’t think my prototype was a success because of the material of the prototype. 





What has become the “number one killer” of global ecology?

The flowing informative essay presents a global issue today, desertification. Soil desertification will lead to soil loss, Then end up with countless serious problems, related to SDGs(sustainable development goals)1, 2, 8, 15, and 13. Reading this essay provide thorough information about desertification and also help the readers to understand the help they can give to solve desertification.

A Men Who Lost Everything in the Bloody Revolution

He’s name is Carlos, born in a poor village in Mexico. He lost his parents when he was young, but he had a loving wife. Although life is hard, but he work like a dog everyday to not let the family starve. He thought such a life is not bad, as long as the family can be safe, but a sudden incident changed him completely…

The Mexican Revolution started in 1910, the economic policies of Porfirio Díaz, unequal distribution of land, deeply entrenched economic inequality, and undemocratic institutions were the causes of the revolution.  From my perspective,  the multitudes of deaths and lost of lives  the Mexico Revolution are a huge suffer, but the revolution can be called a success. At the beginning of the revolution, the majority of Mexico was in poverty. The Mexican Revolution started in 1910, because the economic policies of Porfirio Díaz, which sold Mexican land to foreigners in order to favour with foreign powers, and forced the peasant-class Mexicans to work like slaves on the fields everyday for them. The unequal distribution of land, deeply entrenched economic inequality, and undemocratic institutions were the causes of the revolution. The people being peasant-class citizens,  was furious by his decision. After the decade long revolution,  the long-term battles had finally ended, a men called Alvaro Obregon won the election and were able to take the presidency and put work into the land distribution of  Mexico and also brought Mexico culture, art, and education.


Posted in Humanities, by Carol Li. Mexico revolution, Battle, Journal.

The Battle for Liberty

    The Battle for Liberty

Seven Artists of the Mexican Revolution - Alfalfa StudioThe Mexican Revolution ( 1910-1920) | Sutori

In 1910, a decade-long revolution in the country of Mexico began. Before Mexico’s first president came to power, Mexico was under Spanish control as a colony. But Mexico disagreed with this and gained independence on September 27, 1821. But it didn’t end there. After Spain left, France tried to join the party. At that time, Mexico was not ready to give up its independence, so fought against France and successfully drove the French away. In this battle, a general named Porfirio Diaz came out on top and became the reason of the Mexican Revolution and Mexico’s fight for land and freedom.


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