Bittersweet Bass Love Poem


I created this found poem to identify the main internal conflict of “The bass, The river, and Sheila Mant” by W. D. Wetherell. In the story, the main character has to decide between a large bass or Sheila Mant, a girl he has a crush on. I included phrases such as “torn apart between longings” (pg.4) and “nauseous feeling in my stomach” (pg.4) to further emphasize the struggle, how the main character found it difficult to choose. By showing the conclusion of the story, I could give the reader a sort of resolution to the conflict, making them satisfied. I believe the bass in the story was meant to represent personal goals and interests, posing the question, would you give up things that are important to you just for a chance at love?

Additional Information:

Author’s Page

The Bass the River and Sheila Mant

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