Enrique’s Unique Cuban Revolution Journal

In the Sway above, you learn all about a fictional Cuban adolescent as he grows up against the backdrop of the Cuban Revolution. Informative yet interesting, the three entries contain numerous historical facts, significant character development, and an intriguing story that will take you through the famous Cuban Revolution. Take a look if you would like to learn more about this legendary historical event!


While many changes did occur to Cuba due to this significant event, some things still stayed the same, such as Cuba’s dependence on the U.S. to buy their sugarcane to support the economy, and historians can even argue the corrupt government system continued. Before the revolution during Batista’s regime, sugarcane was used to help support a large part of the economy, which allowed for locations like casinos, bars, and clubs to open up, resulting in more tourists. Since America provided 75% of imports and bought 66% of exports, Cuba’s economy heavily relied on them. After the revolution, Cuba still relied on the U.S. to provide imports and export sugarcane, which shows continuity. When the rebels first took over the government Castro didn’t have much power, but slowly he started taking increasingly more, until he had full control over the whole government, using the prime minister as a puppet. This shows the continuation of corruption within the government, as once again an individual is in control of everything. Important changes that happened as an effect of the revolution include price controls, price cuts, minimum wages, a cabinet, and the Agrarian Law reform, all of which I have talked about in more detail within the journals above. Castro also established universal health care that still exists to this day, and a rigorous education program, effectively raising the literacy rate in Cuba to near 100%. These changes all aim to help improve the living conditions of the lower class, leading to Castro gaining a great deal of popularity. In conclusion, the Cuban revolution brought many positive changes to Cuban lives, and a lot changed for the better, even if there were continuities, the revolution adequately accomplished its goal: to improve the lives of Cuban citizens, especially the lower classes.

Cuban Rebels Square Up For a Revolution

The Cuban Revolution takes place during 1953-1959, with a rebel group by the name of M-26-7 overthrowing Fulgencio Batista, the dictator of Cuba at the time. Cuba was going through many corrupt leaders, and American tourists flooded the country with riches while poor locals suffered in rural areas. If you would like to learn more about why Fidel Castro, the leader of M-26-7, had 638 asassination attempts by the CIA, then watch the video above to know more about the revolution.