Scissoreines Survives Science Cup Insulator Project

This is my group’s cup insulator, she is called Scissoreines. The way she works is by wrapping her around a cup or mug and then attaching the Velcro together. Then, you can add a cap by placing it on the cup and taking it off by pulling the string on top.

I am proud of the design of this insulator because of its aesthetics, and also how well it worked. The temperature of the water inside the mug only dropped by 10.3 degrees Celsius. The hardest part of the project was probably cutting the materials, and also gluing the different parts together. After the test, some of the hot glue melted and parts of the cap broke. If I were to redesign this, I would probably use something else to attach the materials instead of hot glue.

That is all I have to say for Scissoreines and our project.


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