Wrong: Evaluate The Photograph opposite
I think this is a good photo which really highlights a vintage image. The image shows an imperfection of the car and the house as they are not fully shown which ultimately makes the photo worse. This results in the man not being fully emphasized and is in the background. The man in the photo is also not shown very well and is not centered correctly. He could also be closer to the camera to highlight him and so you are able to see his face. I did like the vintage aspect of the photograph though.
I think context is very important in photography and can make a huge difference in what the photograph is really highlighting. For example in this image the word wrong makes a big difference to the photo and changes it’s meaning completely because the word wrong is showing that the image is wrong and should be improved. If there was an art museum with a bunch of photos saying wrong I think that the photos would have more meaning rather than just being plain boring photos which are made wrong. If you provide the word wrong the viewer will understand that the photographer is highlighting this image as wrong and therefore giving further meaning to the photograph. In John Baldassari’s photo you can see that it is a terrible photo because it does not follow the specific rules correctly but if you add the word “wrong” to his image you can tell that he is trying to say the image is wrong.
Rules of photography
The purpose of rules in photography is to have limitation to what photographs you can take and what photographs are considered bad. If you follow a set of rules your photograph will turn out much better and the rules can help you not mess up the photo. The most important rules in photography are not cutting the image out of the frame or cutting off people. For example cutting off someone on the side of the frame or having a car in the side of the image. Another important rule is to have your camera in focus and avoid blurriness. My final rule is to avoid bad lighting because it makes the image hard to see. Overall, the most important rule is to not cut off people in the image and fill in the frame.
Who needs rules anyway?
It might be a good time to break rules when you are trying to make an image bad or make the image look like a piece of art rather than a photograph. For example you can make the image out of focus or blurry when your trying to make the image look more like an art piece but the image will not be good as it does not follow the rules of photography. I think it is possible to break rules if you don’t know they exist because there are many rules which many people follow when taking photography and if you don’t know all of the rules of photography you can possibly break the rules. You can break these rules and still think you have a good photo so it is possible to break rules if you don’t know they exist. A bad picture can be great if you have context behind the image and say why the image is being taking and give a purpose to the image. If you say the image is wrong and give context by saying this photo was purposely breaking rules.
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