I chose these 3 images for my final triptych because they all fitted by original vision and I thought that architecture had more abstract elements to it than nature did. These images are from my first set and they are the red selection of my set because they were the best images I had. In all three images you can see a lot of color variation and also clearly see elements of line, shape, and pattern. The colors shown also create an interesting and different tone for each picture. The images also match my chosen photographer for set 1 so I chose these images in particular because I thought that they showcased abstract images while also being interesting through the use of color and different elements.

For all of these photos I also used the blue color because I thought that it would create an interesting feel to the image. The images which I have chosen are in my opinion the most abstract images which I have took so they would be good for my final triptych. I also thought that architecture highlighted more elements than nature did so it would fit my triptych more than the nature photos which I have taken. The images showcase interesting parts of architecture and all have an interesting composition and structure in the image.