The societal/cultural concept I want to focus on is highlighting emotion and expression through listening to music. Considering this concept can help me further understand people’s identity and I can further understand how a person’s taste of music relates to their identity and personality. I want to use all my photographs to show how listening to different types of music can reflect a certain personality and show different identities through emotions and expressions. Furthermore, I also want to demonstrate how the types of music relate to personality traits and can show multiple identities through the type of music that they listen to.

In my photographs, I will focus on highlighting different facial expressions and emotions to illustrate a difference in identity and show multiple identities. I will illustrate these identities through color, which can reflect on the mood of the person which ultimately leads to a change in identity. My goal is to illustrate different identities and express different emotions and feelings through the many different types of music and the way people listen to music. Overall, the way people listen to music can reflect their personality and show a difference in identity when they listen to different types of music.