
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Author: Ethan (page 2 of 3)

Identity mind map


Made with Padlet


Definition: Street Photography

Street photography is a style of photography that focuses on capturing natural and spontaneous moments in open areas like streets, parks, and plazas. It usually entails photographing pictures of individuals going about their regular lives, frequently in metropolitan settings. Street photography aims to capture real-life situations and interactions and to depict the spirit of a location or culture. Photographers that specialize in this style frequently look for eye-catching light, shadows, textures, patterns, and compositions that are unusual or surprising. Street photography, in general, enables us to view the world in fresh and surprising ways. It is a dynamic and captivating type of visual storytelling. I think that street photography is mainly about capturing the perfect placement and being at the right place at the right time.

Final Triptych

I chose these 3 images for my final triptych because they all fitted by original vision and I thought that architecture had more abstract elements to it than nature did. These images are from my first set and they are the red selection of my set because they were the best images I had. In all three images you can see a lot of color variation and also clearly see elements of line, shape, and pattern. The colors shown also create an interesting and different tone for each picture. The images also match my chosen photographer for set 1 so I chose these images in particular because I thought that they showcased abstract images while also being interesting through the use of color and different elements.

For all of these photos I also used the blue color because I thought that it would create an interesting feel to the image. The images which I have chosen are in my opinion the most abstract images which I have took so they would be good for my final triptych. I also thought that architecture highlighted more elements than nature did so it would fit my triptych more than the nature photos which I have taken. The images showcase interesting parts of architecture and all have an interesting composition and structure in the image.

Red Photos Contact Sheet Set 2

I chose these images for my red selection because the images all are abstract and show various elements such as texture, and line. All of my images were taken in different places as I wanted to highlight a different background for each image. I also used different color schemes in my photos and tried to use shadow to create an interesting feel in all of my images. My main idea was to highlight the interesting lines and textures on different trees as well as showing an interesting background for each image. These three images also match my vision because they all had different backgrounds and highlighted different parts of nature and created an interesting image through the use of abstraction elements.

I chose the third image to evaluate. In this image the camera is mainly focused on the tree and the interesting texture and lines which are being shown in the image. In my image I also tried to show an interesting background and in this case I showed pieces of architecture in the background to create an interesting feel to the image. My focus was on nature an in this image I highlighted an interesting part of nature which is a tree. In the image you can see texture through the different branches being shown as well as line through many of the tree branches. I mainly wanted to focus on these elements in this image because they were clearly shown in pieces of nature especially on trees. I also used shadow in this image as on the right of the image in the background you can see a contrast between the light and dark part of the image. I added the shadow to this image because I thought that it would create a more interesting photo. The shadow and colors which are shown in the background also create a more dark tone but also show a more lighter tone due to the flags which have many colors. I also highlighted pieces of architecture in the background as well as many important and cool parts in the background because in my vision I wanted to use a interesting background and it also connects to my photographer chosen. The image directly correlates to my vision because it highlight an interesting part of nature while also showing a cool background.

Green Photos Contact sheet Set 2

I chose these images for my green section for set 2 because they fit my vision a lot more and you can clearly see texture in all of the photos as well as many other elements which make the image very abstract. I chose the best out of some of my duplicates for some of these images and limited my selection to some of the best photos which match my vision and also have good lighting in the image. You can clearly see elements of nature in each image and elements of line, texture, and tone in every image. I limited my green selection to images which have these 4 elements and have a good focus on what I am trying to show in the image.

Contact sheet yellow set 2

I chose these images for my yellow section because many of the images were pretty basic and in a lot of the images the lighting was not the best so I put these for the yellow. In many of the images you can not see a clear abstraction part to it so it would not fit green or red so I added them to yellow. The elements in some of the photos were ok but could be better. The images do not completely match my revised vision for this set so many of these images are not fit for what I’m trying to show in my images. I enjoy some of these photos but I think the images can be improved significantly as well as some of the color variations in the images.

Analysis of Artist Set 2- Michael Kenna

Michael Kenna:

In all of the photos the photographer focuses on one specific object in nature

The images all have black and white in them

Many of the images use texture

The images use line to show the different branches on the trees.

Many of the images highlight the specific object in black and the background in white

The artist uses many formal elements such as line and texture to show the interesting part of nature as well as showing the viewer interesting pictures of trees. The artist also uses black and white to create a mood and atmosphere in the overall image and enhance the viewers experience with the interesting color schemes. The artist tends to focus on highlighting a specific object in nature and then show the background as well to show the entire frame and not only focus on the specific nature but also on the background and sky. In the images the artist uses black and white to show contrast between two different things in the image such as the background and what the artist is focusing on.

I have chosen this photographer because he takes extremely good pictures of nature which are abstract photos and shows an interesting contrast between black and white. I will not focus on black and white images but he inspired me in a way to take interesting pictures of nature and trees. The photographer relates to my vision because his images focus on one specific image and the main idea of his photos is to highlight pieces of nature and show the interesting part of nature as well as the beauty.

“We see in color all the time. Everything around us is in color. Black and white is therefore immediately an interpretation of the world, rather than a copy.” I chose this particular quotation because the quote shows the photographers main ideas of his photos and shows his interpretation of the photos. He talks about how black and white is an interpretation or a perspective of the world. He is trying to show a different perspective of nature and show it to the world because as he said we see color all of the time. The quote helps me understand this photographers work because it shows how he interprets his photos and his main ideas when he takes his black and white photos of nature.

Respond to an image

I chose this image in particular because the image is almost completely in black and is a different and interesting perspective compared to the other photos in my gallery. The image is also very interesting because it shows a really interesting tree but not much of a background in the photo just specifically focusing on that one tree.

The entire image is in black which is really surprising because most of his images are in both black and white and show an interesting white background but this image only focuses on the specific tree and is colored in black for the most part which is a really cool perspective.

I think tone is the most important part of this image because the image is in black which shows more of a darker tone as black is most commonly referred to as a darker color and the use of color creates a more of a dark tone to this image. Tone can be seen and the tone in this image creates an interesting perspective of the image one which people do not see.

I think tone is very important because tone creates an interesting atmosphere to the image and can change the mood in the image. This image shows a more darker tone due to the lighting and darkness on the tree and in the entire frame. Throughout this image the photographer uses tone and tries to create an abstract image through the use of tone and texture to create an overall interesting image.

My chosen artist photographs are abstract because each individual image focuses on one specific element and in this photograph the photographer uses tone as well as texture to create an interesting abstract image. You can clearly see the interesting texture on the tree which this photographer is trying to highlight. In his images he also uses tone to create an interesting atmosphere he creates tone through the use black and white color variations. The color in his images also change the mood of the image and change the perspective of the image while highlighting an important part of nature.

I like how he uses black and white images to create contract in the images between specific objects and show a difference between the background and the specific part of nature that is being shown. I also really like how he incorporates formal elements in his photos. In his style he shows the interesting texture on the ground or shows the texture on different trees.

I will adapt a similar style one where I will be highlighting a specific part of nature while also showing an interesting background but in my style I will not use black and white as I want to have more color variations in my image to create a more interesting image. This artist inspires me to take better photos and to show a cool perspective of different parts of nature such as trees,

Revised Vision Statement for set 2:

My vision is to highlight important parts of nature and to show the texture of trees and different parts of nature. My aim is to show the importance of nature and highlighting the beauty which you can see in many parts of nature. I will take photos in the style of Michael Kenna.  I am particularly inspired by nature photos and I want to create an interesting style that highlights interesting parts of nature and showing a different perspective of nature. I will take pictures that have elements of texture as well as color to create an interesting sensation to the image and my ultimate goal is to show the importance of nature and why we need to keep our nature persevered because of how nice it can be.

Red photos Contact sheet Set 1

Evaluate your choice for red images. Identify areas for improvement for your next shoot and give a rough overview of what you intend to do for the next shoot – (see next slide)

I chose these 3 photos for my red selection because I thought that these were my best photos which connected to my vision and I thought these photos all had a lot of abstraction elements in the photo. All of these photos utilize elements of line, shape, and pattern to demonstrate an abstraction feel to the photographs. For each photo I also tried to use different colors to demonstrate different tone. In my first photo I used a grey and blue color combination and in my second photo I used yellow and brown and in my third photo I used a brown and blue color combination. In the images the windows create an interesting pattern as well as create interesting shapes such as squares and rectangles.

The image which I have chosen is the first image. In this image I tried to highlight the interesting blue windows and the interesting shapes which have been created by the wall. In the image I also captured different lines as they separate the small windows. In the image I also highlighted the cool pattern from the windows as well as the squares from the walls.  I tried to highlight the pattern and shapes on this piece of architecture similar to my chosen artist. I wanted to highlight a close up of a piece of architecture in this image and show how one piece of architecture can show many elements which ultimately make the image abstract. I chose a blue and grey color combination so that the image would not be as boring as I wanted to show an interesting color combination. I tried to emphasize a tone in the image through the color variations as well. The image connects to my vision as it directly relates to exactly what I was saying on my vision and this image highlights the interesting part of architecture which I have shown on my vision.

Green photos contact sheet Set 1

I chose these images for my green section because they fitted my vision a lot better than the yellow images and the lighting and perspective of the images was a lot better than the yellow section. The images are also a lot more abstract as they are highlighting a lot of elements such as line, and shape. The images I captured here also had a lot more color variation which was a part of my vision so I chose these for my green images. Elements are also a lot more visible in these images such as line and shape as well as the color variation being very visible.


Set 1 Contact sheet Yellow Photos

I chose these photos as my yellow photos because many of these photos did not come out as well as I wanted them too. Due to a lot of my images being taken outside some of the lighting is not the best and some of the photos did not work as well as I wanted them too. These photos don’t fit my vision as much as some of my other photos so I added these photos to the yellow section. The idea of my photos was to get interesting images of architecture which all connect to my vision but these images did not connect to my vision that much so I sorted them into the yellow section.

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