‘share and reflect’ final product: 1: the energy transfer from an unlighted LED light to a lighted one is from chemical to electrical, and from electrical turning into light energy and some heat energy. the chemical energy turns to electrical energy when the flow through the circuit; and the light and heat energy occurs when […]


‘create and improve’   feburary 17th [PLAN] lab day 1: in the lab, look around and check for the availability of desired materials (LED lights, acrylic sheets); test out the ‘do-ability’ of lighting up the led lights (wire-connecting) i found two kinds of lights in the fab lab: the regular light bulb and the LED […]


‘develop and plan’ material list: acrylic sheets (10*10 cm) *5 wood sheet (10*10 cm) *1 wood blocks (3*3*3.5 cm) *4 battery box *4 batteries *8 led lights (white) *4 bubble wrap *1 acrylic paint (white) fasteners/adhesives: hot glue (putting the acrylic box on top of the wood sheet; glueing battery boxes onto the wood sheet) […]


‘define and inquire’ in this project, we were to create a toy that shows the conversion of energy or the transfer from one type of energy to another. The design should be aimed for a specific group of audience and serve its own purpose. When thinking of energy conversion, a lamp is the first thing […]

The Battle Continues

Cancer – The Battle Continues From the initial attitude of “I am confident that I can win the battle against the malady inside my lung” to “I think the disease is slowly devouring me,” and ultimately, “I tried, but it has killed me.” The three sentences are what a cancer patient said during his early-stage, […]

A Ten-Year Story

– Revolution journals by Charles, in France, at the age of 30. The journal is broken down into three parts: Inception, Halfway, and Finale.  The French Revolution, a revolution full of anger, madness, and after all, joy. Accompanying by the fall of monarchy, emergence of the Jacobins, and finally the rise of Napoleon, great changes […]

The French Revolution in Plain English

“Liberty, equality, fraternity, or death; – the last, much the easiest to bestow, O Guillotine!” – Quote from Charles Dickens on the French Revolution  This is a five minute video of the French Revolution in Plain English. The French Revolution is a period in history started approximately in 1789 and ended in 1799, lasting for […]