Welcome to the Mexican Revolution! It lasted from 1910 to 1920 during a period of chaos, when Mexico underwent 5 different presidents. They were Porfirio Diaz, who ruled for 35 years, and was the main reason the revolution started, Francisco I. Madero, who overthrew Diaz in 1911 after the Battle of Juarez. Victoriano Huerta, who ordered the overthrowing and killing of Madero in 1913, Venustiano Carranza, who led the charge against Huerta in 1914, along with the drafting of the Constitution of 1917, and Alvaro Obregon, who finally ended the Revolution with him and Francisco Villa signing a peace treaty. Speaking of Villa, him and Emiliano Zapata played a consistent role across the entire revolution, often being the ones that were discontent with the new president and starting a new uprising.