Product Design-Food Waste Unit

The fictional item I created to solve food wasting was a pot that has the ability to absorb the oil and adjust the temperature of the food. When people eat, they might decide to throw away the food because it is too oily, or it is too cold. However, with this pot (fictional), you can solve this problem. 


My biggest success was creating the dials. They were made from blue sponges and sticks in the middle where you can turn the sticks, which is like a dial. 


My biggest obstacle was the lack of materials back home. The only materials I can work with are cardboard and materials leftover from a science experiment. After putting them together I realize that if one of them wasn’t the size that I desired, there was no way to trim them down. Therefore, I had to go with it. 

I did not really develop any skill in this process. However, I gained more experience in the context of cutting cardboard, trimming my patience to cut it all the way through instead of ripping it down. 

My project relates to the real world because I am trying to solve a real world problem. At home, my parents may think that one item is too thick in oil and therefore has a lot of calories and its better to throw it away than eat it. But, with my fictional item you can solve that problem by removing the oil, and even warming/cooling the food in the process. 

I am not very satisfied with my project. Despite this, there is no possible way to change this because I have gone over all the usable materials in my house. (On the day we did it I did not have a 48 hour covid test so I could not go buy them) If you’d ask me what I would change, the answer is everything. I would have done much better if with expanded materials. 

One feedback I’ve gotten is to trim down the sticks for the dial. Again, that is not possible in the current circumstances because the stick has about 1 cm radius, which is huge, and so I can’t just cut it down. 

If a future student asked me for feedback, it would be to enjoy the time when you have the perfect materials. If not, it would take a lot of time to change your plan and also use the materials you have at home. 

In overall, I don’t think my project was a success. Again, I didn’t have the right materials and I had difficulty finding the materials that can be used and are not too bad. Next time with the right materials I would give the outside some colour and adjust the dials so that they are more realistic, and find a round shaped box instead of a rectangular one. 


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