During grade 9 this year, I have independently read 3 books (I read more, but these 3 are my favourite) so far.
To begin with, the first book I read is called “Google It,” a non-fiction biography of the founders of Google and how Google advanced into one of the world’s most used search engines and how it opened up a brand new generation. This book has very creative language, which makes it teenager-friendly. Some examples include: “Well, do you still remember way back when they were in university? Well, their project was offered to be bought by Yahoo!, but they refused to 1 million USD offer! 1 MILLION USD! A huge amount of cash at the time, and they were still university students!” I enjoyed the playful language and learned a lot of fun facts about Google and coding.
To continue, a book that I read halfway but decided to give up is called “The Abomination.” It talks about the main character, Holly Boland arriving at Italy to discover some murder cases. It is extremely confusing for me as the author switches from character to character between chapters and it is very difficult to organize what you read in consecutive order which makes me, the reader, at times very confused about what just happened. Furthermore, the theme and information I have read so far does not interest me as much, so I decided to change a book.
Finally, the book I finished recently is called “One of Us is Lying.” This book talks about the sudden death of Simon, who created a gossip app that disturbs a lot of people. 4 people are suspected of murdering him with his allergy, peanut oil, but all seems to be innocent. Throughout the story, the author changes perspective at time to time and manages to write a perfect transition between each character so that the reader goes along with the plot. At the end, readers find that there is an enormous scheme behind the whole story and a revenge is what was planned…
In conclusion, I feel the 2 books I have completed are very interesting and the last book had the most impact on me as it got me thinking and analyzing mysteries in life, perhaps because the book was too attractive and I have gotten my self sucked in. I am considering to read the sequel of “One of Us is Lying” next, as the author performs the mystery genre very well.