Category Archives: Myself as a Learner

Product Design-Food Waste Unit

The fictional item I created to solve food wasting was a pot that has the ability to absorb the oil and adjust the temperature of the food. When people eat, they might decide to throw away the food because it … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Myself as a Learner, Product Design | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Cimate Change and Action

Capstone Project   This is my informative essay for the capstone project. I wrote about climate change, one of the most well-known issues in the SDG goals. In an informative essay format, I will “inform you” of what the government … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Humanities, Myself as a Learner, Non-Fiction | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Welcome to Your New Blog!

When you blog you create posts and posts are categorised according to your subject. Some categories have already been set up for you. If you need more categories you can add them as needed. It’s important that your posts have … Continue reading

Posted in Myself as a Learner | 1 Comment