This is our mug insulator design:

Our insulator is made of three parts: the base, the cap, and the main insulator wrappings.

• The base prevents conduction from the cup to the table by separating the cup from the table.

• The cap prevents the heat from going up. Warm air rises. We used aluminum foil, which is both easily bendable and waterproof.

• The wrapping is made of two layers: felt on the inside and blankets on the outside. We used velcro to secure it to the cup.

I am proud of how well our insulator did in testing. the temperature went down only 7.3º celsius in 20 minutes. Some problems are that in testing, our mug insulator’s hot glue melted because of the hot water that was put into the mug. Also, we didn’t cover the space between the handle. I would like to fix those problems next time. I think it looked really good (we colored it with markers), and it also doesn’t lose functionality. To summarize, it is a pretty good mug insulator.