I am From LEGO and Good Books

By: Geoffrey Liu


This is a where I’m from poem. In where I’m from poems, instead of saying a place the author would say something of importance to them. Enjoy!


I am from dad’s suitcase

And a book that changed my life

To a restaurant that should

Have been Michelin one star


I am from LEGO construction sites

Minecraft playing

To lots of questions

swimming around in my brain


I am from “Go play outside!”

Infinite Did You Knows

To project ideas that

Never get completed


I am from good books

week-long book searches

Albert Einstein theories

That make my head explode


I am from LEGO and good books.

From Minecraft to Einstein.

But where am I really from?

I am from my own inner world.

I am from my memories.

I am from my personality.

I am from me.