My Metaphors Map

In humanities, we learned about geography. We identified the elements of maps and learned about geographical features. for this assignment, we’re supposed to create a map of our own, and each geographical feature on the map is supposed to represent a part of our lives. This is my Metaphor Map:


My worries are a cave. It is something scary and dark.

Busyness is a desert. It wears me out.

LEGO is a forest. In a forest, birds sing, rabbits run around, and forests are generally beautiful. LEGO is something that is beautiful.

Achievement is a mountain. I want to become the best version of myself, but it seems impossible.

Questions are a ocean. They surround me.

Rest is an oasis. Rest saves me.

Challenges are a peninsula. Challenges are a part of me that doesn’t fit in with the rest.

Thinking is a river. My thoughts flow in my head.

My seriousness is a valley. A low point. My weakness.

Fear is a volcano. It erupts once in a while.