How Percy Should Manage His Emotions

What choices could Percy make to better manage his emotions?

Hana Parker

Can you imagine wondering what your whole life would have been like knowing your dad? That is what Percy is thinking about all the time, and he probably always gets so upset because of all the anxiety and stress is held on his shoulders. If Percy learns how to manage his emotions in a better way then there is no doubt, he will feel so much better, be less stressful, and have a better look at school!

Percy Jackson can be very emotional. Here are some of the example of the Lightning Thief that really show his anger and what he is feeling inside:

 On page 5 Percy yelled, “’Will you shut up!?!?!?!’ — it came out louder that I meant”.

 On page 17 Percy said, “Finally, when our English teacher, Mr. Nicoll, asked me for the millionth time why I was too lazy to study for spelling tests, I snapped. I called him an old sot. I wasn’t even sure what it meant, but it sounded good.

 On page 33 Percy started to get mad and anxious and, gritted my teeth

 On page 39 Percy said, I gritted my teeth

 On page 39 Percy said, “Because you don’t want me around?” I regretted the words as soon as they were out.

These examples say a lot of things without thinking, this is why I think that he should try some methods to help him for making a very small problem into a big one. Here is some advice for Percy whenever he feels as if he might explode:

 He can walk away and take three deep breaths
 Talk to a trusted friend, teacher or parent
 Calmly talk things out with the person who is fighting with you

The articles I used for this advice are the Newsela article, new ways to think about ADHD and Recognizing and Managing emotions by SkillsYouNeed.

Those are just a few of the many pieces of advice for him. If he had used one of these methods every time, he had an issue with someone imagine if he would have still been in his old school? Or maybe he would have never had detentions?

All of these things could really help Percy in the future to create better relationships with people, have a better social life and also get his grades up and be a better kid! I think that for future purposes Percy should definitely read this paper so he can manage his anger and emotions properly!

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One Response to How Percy Should Manage His Emotions

  1. lucysosta.sostaktyre says:

    I really liked how you gave so many examples of how, throughout the book, Percy gets angry and can’t control himself. “Can you imagine wondering what your whole life would have been like knowing your dad?” I like how you brought up Percy’s abandonment issues, do you think that might contribute to his anger at all?

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