Some things that changed throughout the American Revolution are that by the end they were not being led by the British anymore and they gained freedom. There was also separation from the church and state, also political power was able to be in the power of ordinary men. Plus, inheritance laws were available for both the son and the daughter. Some things that stayed the same throughout the American Revolution was that there was freedom of worship, most of the people involved with politics were white, wealthy, land owning men. The rights for Native Americans, women, and slaves continued to stay low, which means that sadly slavery was still not abolished.
I think that the American Revolution was worth it. I think this way because the changes out way all the things that stayed the same in a positive way. Britain was taking over America and held too much freedom over them. If the American revolution had not happened, then America would still be run by Britain and our world would probably not have evolved to where it is today. Our technology would not have developed to today’s level, slaves and the level of discrimination would have probably been much worse than it is now, and many different rules were implemented which helped America be what it is today. I think this revolution made a huge mark in our history and our world wouldn’t be the same without it.
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