Engineering Blog Post 3

Pictures from day 1 of creating:

Reflection process:
The process right now is going very well, me and Angela are working our best to work as efficiently and effectively as possible. We have created the base of the dream catcher and have started to make the feather strings.

Pictures from day 2 of creating:

Reflection Process:

We accomplished a lot today by creating beaded string and feathered string for the overall aesthetic of the outside. We also tied and hot glued the strings onto the base of the dream catcher to make it look like it is dangling/falling from it. Lastly, we attached the fairy lights to the base by wrapping them around and then using a thin metal wire to secure it into place. The fairy lights look nice turned on because they reflect onto the feathers.

Video of our prototype being turned on:

Peer reviews we gathered on the 3rd day of creating:

Reflection process:

We had pretty much finished our device on this lesson and the only thing we had to do left was attach a string to help hold the dream catcher up right. Since we did receive some feedback from peers and friends that were in the design studio, we will make the changes we feel are appropriate to our timing and our goal. One thing that was pretty challenging this day was that we had run out of our metal wiring that was holding the feather and strings together, so we had to spend a lot of time testing out other materials that would work well for this. We tried paper clips, thicker metal wiring, and some wax string. We decided to go with the wax string because it was the most beneficial to our time and was easiest for us to use. Although we did find a solution to our problem, this did delay some time that we could have used to add a holding string.


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