My Design project “Elephant Basketball”


My biggest sucsess was making the sling shot work. That was my biggest sucsess becuase we had to improvise a little becuasethe hot glue wasn’t working.

One of the things I would like to change is ho wthe ball comes out. The reason why I wanted to change it is becuase sometimes when the ball comes backt it gets stuck.

My biggest obsticle was cutting all of the carboard strait. the reason why we had to cut the carboard strait is becuase if you don’t then it won’t stick properly.

These are my first design.

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Hana’s Map

My reading is like a plain.

My fears are like a forest.

My sister is like a volcano.

My homework is like a penninsula.

My family is like an oasis.

My crying is like a lake.

My spooky is like a valley.

My emotions are like a river.

My room is like an island.

My friends and I are like the coast.

My nice cup of tea is like the ocean.

My kitchen from baking is like a desert.

My oasis is like Thailand.

-Hana Parker 6-3

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The Parts of Me  

 I am from a warm loving family, 

Me and my sister arguing as a sign of love, 

My mum working hard in the kitchen to make a nice meal, 

And my dad watching the latest footy highlights.  


I am from England and Japan,  

Two countries form the opposite sides of the world,  

One where you say “tea” for dinner and the other “bangohan. ”

I am also a dancer,  

I have been dancing for almost five years now, 

Dancing is one of my favorite things to do! 

The type of dance classes I take are tap and jazz. 


My happy place is sitting at the edge of the pool, 

Trickling my feet at the edge of the pool, 

And a nice cold glass of glass of mango smoothie sitting right in my hand. 


I am also form slobbery kisses all over my legs. 

The smell of smelly dog as I walk in the door.  

And also dog fur all over every single piece of clothing I own.  


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Science Project

Hi this is me Hana and me and my partener Jia have taken dirty water and made our own filter out of a sertain amout of material, i am about to tell you what I used and felt about this project.

Materials: duck tape, cotton ball, popsicle stick, cardboard tube, cloth, rubber band, plastic water bottle.

I think engineering is important because if yoiu think abou it most of the things in the world we have today ise engineering. For examplethe chair that you sit on has been design and engineered by someone, or maybe the computer you use at school everyday has also been engineerd.

The biggest challege I came across in this project was trying to get the yellow out o the water. It didn’t fully come out but it got alot lighter than before. At first we got all of the big chunks of dirt out but then the tiny mollecules who just go through our design.


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I am a a girl who loves to watch FRIENDS.

This project was kind of like talking about our identity. We wrote an “I am…” statement and mine was ” I am a girl who loves to watch freinds.” We also used  an app called SketchBook and how you use it is you take a photo of yourself and you use like markers to coulour your face out. The image above is a picture I filled in about myself.

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  • An engaging title – this should not include the name of the subject since this is referenced in the category.
  • Body – this is where you share your learning. This can include text, images, embedded videos from Dragons’ Tube or elsewhere. You should always consider how your post looks to your audience. Is it engaging? Do they want to keep reading?
  • Category – select one that has been set for you or add a new category. Posts can have more than one category e.g. Humanities and Myself as a Learner

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