Reflect and Share

below is a picture of my final product:

how this product works is that you wind up the rubber bands in the front onto the wooden stick, the boat will move after you release it. the boat, with the help of the wheels, should drive into water and continue moving with the propellers on the back  wheels. the only use for the front wheels is to hold the boat up.

the energy change is from the elastic potential of the rubber bands winding up, and being released into kinetic energy for the wheels to move and push the boat forward.

in the end, there are still many flaws to the functionality of my product. the biggest problem is that despite my efforts, i couldn’t get the boat to move nearly as far as i wanted it to, which made it look kind of stupid in the end. the rubber bands also take more effort to wind up than i hoped. some minor flaws were that the wheels could’ve used some extra manufacturing to be smoother and less bumpy while rolling, i could’ve achieved that by ether drilling the hole more accurately, or by sandpapering the wheel after i drilled the hole. on top of that, i definitely think that the boat doesnt look very nice and could use some better designs for aesthetics.

the schedule that i made in the beginning also didn’t work very well, because along the way, i realized some things that needed to be fixed or taken a closer look at, so i ended up deviating from the plan quite a bit. in the end, i mostly just did whatever in needed to do according to the situation, since i ended up scraping a lot of my plan and changed my origional battery + motor plan to the rubber band contraption instead.

my product can be made for kids who would want to play with it as a toy. (even though nobody would want to) its safe because there isnt any electrical devices involved, and isn’t too complicated to make it run a little bit. my product is also safe for the environment, because it is completely rubber band powered.

Create and Improve

day 1: 

  • i wasnt able to make it to class

day 2:

  • i finished my develop and plan document so that i could have an idea of what to do before i started making.
  • after finishing the develop and plan document, i measured out the size of the foam that i wanted and hot glued the basic structure of the boat in place while making sure that both sides of the boat was symmetrical.
  • i realized immediately that it wasnt worth the time to get the smooth round bottom of the boat that i drew on my design paper, so instead i made the bottom of the boat flat
  • going slightly ahead of the schedule, i was also able to pick out the motors and batteries that i wanted

day 3:

  • i drilled a holes into two round wooden blocks that i found to be the right size for the wheel, and got a wooden rod (instead of a metal rod since i thought it might be too slippery for the rubber band idea that i found since the motor cant go underwater) to plan out where the wheels were going to go. didn’t attach the wheels onto the boat because i might need some adjustments later on.
  • i didnt worry about the front wheel, or the propellers too much since they could be added any time in the future
  • like what i wrote on the plan, i connected the batteries and motor to see if they worked, the motor was spinning more weakly than i thought it was going to, but still seemed to power the boat fine for now.

day 4:

  • instead of doing what i planned, i worked with some different motors throughout the class to see how i could make them spin better under the resistance of the rubber band, but couldn’t find one that worked well enough, i felt that it was too late to restart, but couldn’t really think of anything, so i walked around my class and the other science class for some inspiration.
  • in the end, i decided to change my plan into something thats rubber band powered (so the energy transfer would be elastic potential–>kinetic energy) so i didnt have to worry about the motors not working.

day 5:

  • i started off behind schedule, but making a rubber band powered contraption was easier than a battery powered one, so i quickly thought about how i was going to change the boat to be powered by rubber bands was going to work, and replaced the batteries with a singular rubber band attached to a pole.

day 6:

  • on day 2, i didn’t even know that there was going to be a sixth work day, but since i have more time than i anticipated, i made my rubber band contraption longer so that the boat would run farther before stopping, and finally made the propellers and front wheel of the boat.

peer feedback:

  • on day 3 and 4, i got some feedback that i needed to change my battery or make my motor stronger somehow, however, i have already tried some different motors and batteries out and decided that instead of wasting more time on the motors, i made my project rubber band powered.
  • on day 4 and 5, i got the feedback that my rubber band contraption wasn’t allowing my boat to go very far, so i spent day 5 doing what i could to try fixthat problem

develop and plan

chosen idea: the car boat thing

this idea was chosen because it is safe, and would be hard enough to make over two weeks, but its also not too hard to make.


  • 1 motor
  • batteries
  • wires
  • on/off switch
  • 1 rubber band
  • 3 wheels
  • 2 popsicle sticks
  • 1 metal rod
  • foam
  • hot glue

friday class: N/A (i cant attend)

tuesday class: make the shape of a boat with foam and carve out the planned parts where the wheels sit

thursday class: place down the spinning thing, make the propeller out of popsicle sticks at the back, and place the propeller and wheels onto the boat. plan out where the batteries and motor is going to go.

monday class: if anything is going wrong, try to problem solve, and see if the places where the electrical contraption goes is viable(the motor, batteries, wires) and connect the motor to the metal rod (the thing that has the propeller and two wheels) with the rubber band, the motor cant go into the water with the propeller, so it has to be connected with a rubber band so that it works like gears (dont stick anything together, only test wether or not it works well enough and make adjustments)

wednesday class: add the third wheel at the front of the boat, see if it floats well, problem solve if there is something wrong and stick everything together

friday last class: a class to try to fix any minor issues … insurance class

Define And Inquire


safety: 5 very safe

difficulty: 4 probably a bit hard to control the outcome and might be hard to make. if i make it and realize something is wrong and it doesn’t work, its very likely that i probably will be completely out of time to even try to do it again, but it doesn’t include motors or anything so i wont have to worry about that

energy transfer: elastic potential (rubber band) ==> kinetic energy (spin propeller)

Car Boat thing:

safety: 5 very safe

difficulty: 3 the propeller and the wheels use basically the same spinning mechanism and uses the same motors, so right now it feels like that all i have to do is to add propellers to the wheel somehow (and make a body suitable for water/that can float)

energy transfer: chemical potential (battery) ==> electrical energy ==> kinetic energy (spin propeller and wheel)

flying butterfly thing【BenriLifehack】便利ライフハック

safety: 4 it might hit someone but its not very hard

difficulty: 2 its probably way too easy but it looks fun

energy transfer: elastic potential (rubber band) ==> kinetic energy (potential energy is released and spins the back of the butterfly thing)

helicopter or plane

safety: 4 it might hit someone but wont do much harm

difficulty: 5 probably very hard to make and a lot of things found on youtube could barely fly, its also quite hard to control where it goes

energy transfer: chemical potential (battery) ==> electrical energy ==> kinetic energy (spin propeller)

Capstne Project: Deforestation

While people might think that most trees are cut down for timber or paper, Farming is the biggest killer of forests, particularly soybeans or cocoa beans. “Forests contain more than twice as much carbon as the atmosphere and process through their metabolism about 1/7 of the atmospheric carbon annually.”(M, Woodwell George) and Worldwide, an entire 40 football fields of tropical rainforests are cut down each minute. (M, Woodwell George) If this doesn’t slow down, I won’t be long before there are no forests left on earth. Trees are an essential part of the food chain because they provide habitat for millions of species of animals, and holds the soil together which stops desertification.(When there’s nothing holding the soil together, all the sand flies up and becomes a source of dust pollution)

Ivory coast cocoa farms

A major example of farming cutting down forests can be seen in the cocoa farms for chocolate in Ivory Coast. More than 80% of their rainforests have been cut down since 1960, and they will disappear in 2030 if this doesn’t stop. The cocoa farmers burn down the forest bit by bit to plant cocoa beans because they think that recently deforested land is the best place to plant their crops. (Ruth Maclean) Even though deforested soil has rich nutrients, and have been practiced throughout history by some countries, Swidden agriculture is very bad for the environment and is definitely unsustainable. On top of that, even though the rich nutrients are good for the crops, the cocoa beans will still struggle through the drier, hotter seasons without the shade of the trees.

Possible solutions

For some ideas, an E-mail was sent to Mr Thomas Kloepfer, an expert on sustainable farming to see if he had any possible solutions for the dwindling forests worldwide. He said that burning forests to produce land for crops is definitely an unsustainable way of farming. on top of habitat loss etc. Burning forests emit large amounts of stored carbon into the atmosphere and causes global warming. A solution to this could be that one piece of land doesn’t necessarily have to only plant one crop, farmers should work on diversifying their fields and plant multiple crops. With that idea, the seven layers of the forest garden can be a great example. Ether to grow trees as a part of the farm, or to plant crops in the forests itself.
via email from Thomas Kloepfer

The seven layers of the forest garden are a part of a wider sustainable way of farming, called Permaculture. Permaculture is almost exactly what it sounds like, it mimics how an ecosystem functions and minimizes extra input of nutrients and water, making it self sustainable. Permaculture avoids artificial fertilizer(which causes eutrophication in surrounding bodies of water if used excessively), tilling of the soil(which releases carbon and causes global warming), and chemicals like herbicides and pesticides(which is not good for the health and wellbeing for farmers and the organisms around it). it allows one patch of land to be used permanently, meaning that it doesn’t require farmers to burn down forests bit by bit like the cocoa farms of Ivory coast and allow the crops to have lots of diversity and self replenishing over time.(video from

Illegal timber

Although farming is the forest’s biggest killer, another major source of deforestation comes from illegal timber trading, where trees are cut down in areas that are protected. the EU (European union) is a major destination for illegal timber meaning that a lot of the timber that is imported there, was from illegal logging. the FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) have put huge efforts and time into oppressing illegal logging. (Jo Blackman) they have found that since illegal logging grants a lot of extra income, it is often the result of corruption, and power imbalances. Although lot of countries that they have targeted, made some promising reforms, China is still the biggest consumer and importer of timber. A way that you can help is to not waste paper and be more careful with what you recycle. if everyone uses less paper, then there wont be as much demand for timber, therefore illegal logging wont be as profitable. (so less people would do illegal logging)

Deforestation affects the entire globe, and is very bad for the environment in many different ways, like global warming, habitat loss etc. the two major sources of deforestation is farming and illegal logging. instead of sing unsustainable farming techniques like burning down forests, we could use more sustainable ones like permaculture, and more enforced law about illegal logging can help slow deforestation.

Works cited:

“How Future-Proof the EU’s Efforts To Save The World’s Last Rainforests”   Published on 11th May 2016

“Forests In A Warming World: A Time For New Policies”   Published on Sept 1991

“West Africa’s Rainforests Are Being Lost To Cocoa Farms”   Published on 20th sept 2017 “Permaculture Definition, Principles, And applications”   Last modified on 4th February 2019

Cuban Revolution


this unit, i learned about the cuban revolution. we had to create a character and write 3 journal entries with 400-600 words per entry. i learned a lot about the revolution and the most interesting thing to me was still how the CIA tried to kill Castro more than 600 times after he revealed that he was a communist and all the attempts failed.

The Cuban Revolution In Plain English

Our group (me and Andrew) needed to make a commoncraft video that stated a few important points about the cuban revolution. we used labels/titles to show some key points, and moved figures that we ether drew or printed out to more clearly represent/visualize our points.

Lost In The Antarctic

This book is called “Lost In The Antarctic” by Tod Olson, and it’s about a crew of enthusiastic people trying to get back to civilization after their plan to cross Antarctica had failed. In the beginning, Shackleton chooses a group of people who aren’t the most experienced at their job, but would make friends with each other and are willing to work together. The crew leaves civilization in a whaling station in South Georgia on a ship called the “Endurance” which later gets stuck in the pack ice very close to their destination Vahsel Bay (where they would go by dogsled to the other side of Antarctica). The Endurance sunk and the crew decided to go home as they desperately struggle to survive.

Am I a humanist

In this infographic, I wrote the different concepts of what a humanist in the renaissance believes in and wrote my level of agreement to that concept in points from 1-5. i think that I am partially a humanist because I agree with some elements of humanism, and disagree with others.