In this unit-Our Story Make History, we created primary source that include our experience and feeling related to COVID-19 from the beginning of our Chinese New Year break to the present. These projects I’ve been created will tell the audience my life during COVID-19. For my project, I organized it chronologically. For instance, the news article that I found is the earliest are at the front of the News from Around the World topic. I put my performance project before the News from Around the World topic because I’ve been following the checklist from the teachers, and also, my performance project was earlier than some news articles that I found at The Beijinger.

This will be a very useful point for future historians the understand what on the world happened at COVID-19 period. They will know what did different people at this time felts and their experience during this time period. There will be a number of these things in their minds if another pandemic comes. What to do first, what to do next. For my project that I created, they would learn and know how worth did this virus cause. However, they will have a full picture of people’s experience living through the COVID-19. Some people think that this virus will always exist in the world, then historians may also find these things we created during COVID-19 are useful for what keeps people going and how that varies and changes.

I’m very proud of my writing during this unit. First, is because I did a lot of readings; second, is because of my journal writing. There are also some challenges for me. For my journal, I need to read it carefully while I finish writing it, because there are still some grammar mistakes.

1 Comment on ""

  1. One thing I think you did particularly well was writing the diary in detail, using a lot of emotional and descriptive language. This was helpful for me as a reader because I was able to understand what happened very well.
    I can relate to your first journal entry because I also felt weird about e-learning and it took time for me to get used to it.
    One more good thing I would like to point about your presentation is that it used visuals very well.

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