Lightbox Reflection (Product Design)

For this first unit of product design,  we were tell to make a light box for the place is special to me. After repeated thinking, I chose the capital of China, Beijing. This city means a lot to me. My mom and dad were born in Beijing, and I’ve been living in Beijing for about 7 years after staying 5 years in the USA. Beijing gave me a better life, and it gave me a better memory. So this is why I chose to make Beijing. Beijing also got a lot of air scrapers such as China Zun and many more.

This project was laser cut, so we need to use a app called the Adobe Illustrator. During the designing and creating the light box layers, I learn a lot of skills, like how the group shapes, calculating the length and width of the box and other things, cutting paper layers and see of my design fit the box, gluing the box together, painting the box, and so on. This project teaches me confidence for my work and checking my work before laser cutting it.

I’ve also changed something about my light box, like adding the temple of earth to take up spaces, repainting the building next to China Zun, since the color is too ugly. One pieces of advice I will give to a future self, is to make the base layer bigger so that it can cover the LED light. One thing I’m proud of myself is when I put them all together, it looks beautiful. Also one thing I need to improve when I got a next chance, is to paint the sign of China and the flag of China. Not painting it makes me thinks that is too monotonous, not a bit of national characteristics, though there were already Tiananmen, and the temple of earth. However, I’m proud of my work, proud of my layers, and it looks pretty nice!

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