I am from computers and laptops
Ipads and xboxs
Piled in my house
Ready to be opened
I am from building, engineering
And constructions
Planning then action
Fun and challenging
I am form harry potter, Percy Jackson
And the kane kronicals
Adventures mystery
All in one book
I am from history
World war 1 and world war2
Strategies and fierce fights
Invasions and evacuations
I am from minecraft
Creative and survival
Buildings big and small
Adventures that never stop
Pvp fights and mini games
I am from youtube
Pewdiepies channels
Sven and feigie
Adventure that are hilarious
I am from under tale and roblox
Games and apps
No waste of time
Only fun
I am from cheesy pizzas, greasy burgers
and tasty lasagna
Into my drooling mouth
One by one
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