taco gets spilled.


the picture to right is all the design ideas i got before. it has ideas for how to heat up fries and pizza grease and other things. the top left is my final idea.

final product.

this is what i call the taco drive through because it reminds me of a drive through.


my biggest success was finishing it and giving it a functioning drawer giving it a functioning drawer made the idea i wanted better because you put the things you want in the taco into the drawer and without it it would not be the design i wanted it to be. without the drawer this design would not have been completed. the drawer also took the majority of my time because i had to make it very precise in order to make it fit in the hole i made.

my biggest obstacle was trying to find a pipe that connects the two things and making the working drawer. i was looking for a pipe to connect it. originally i wanted to use a foam pipe. but someone took most of it and the small pieces left were split in half so i tried to find a replacement. that didn’t work. so i just glued the pipe together and used that. the drawer was also very challenging because i had to get the cuts very precise so it can actually fit in the hole that i cut it. i had to trim it a lot but eventually i manage to get it in.

something i learned about my self in this project was that if i calmed down and focused on the thing i can do it with efficiency and accuracy. because last year i tried to make something similar but i was constantly getting distracted by my friends so i barely finished it and it did not come out as good as a thought it would come out. so this time i calmed down and started intensely focusing on this project and i think it came out very nice.

something i want to change on my prototype is a control-panel on the side to add extra detail because i thought it would have been great if the person using my product could control where they want the things to be on their taco and what they want to their taco so they could have the ability to customize it.

overall i think my prototype is a success because i finished it and it looks very complete and i am happy with how it turned out. it looks clean and you cant really see hot glue hang on the side. this was a huge improvement from the things i did last year. the cuts were strait and i think i did a good job on glueing and cutting the cardboards together. the foam pipe was also glued decently together. over all i think my prototype looks very pleasing to the eye and i think i did a good job.