
"life is like a box of chocolates. you never know what your gonna get." forrest gump

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Science engineering Blog #3



the prototype

this is the first prototype we created, using a softish wood and pretty thin compared to the final result. as a result of this the handle/part next to the trigger unfortunately snapped resulting in remaking the entire body again.



the final product

the body

with the lesson learned from last time, the final product uses a lot more sturdy wood, I also made sure to give extra length to the area that snapped on the prototype, over all, the body of the final product is just a lot more refined and sturdy version of the prototype. we also sanded the body down, especially the corners so people won’t get splinters.

the bow

the bow is just a piece of bamboo that is decently thick and that will be attached to the top of the body of the crossbow, by cutting out a block and then placing it in before filling the rest of the hole with the wood that was cut out. the body also needed grooves to be cut out or else the string won’t hold.



the trigger

the original plan for the trigger involved a crazy amount of over-engineering and over-complicating everything. involving 3D printing and cutting out a groove. however during the 2nd and 3rd class we realized how little time we had left and had to use alternate triggers. we settled on the simplest one, a piece of metal under the string to lift it up, it was held in place by a loose screw.


the string

the string is made from paracord, using the double noose method to attach them to the bamboo.

the process overall went pretty smoothly except for the part where the body of the crossbow snapped and we had to start over.





We managed to get the crossbow working in the last class and managed to shoot it a few times using some wooden sticks we found.  it turned out the crossbow shot with decent power and had surprisingly good accuracy.


(we gave the crossbow to Mr Hussack to shoot because we don’t trust ourselves with it)


Science engineering task #1

what is this engineering task?

this engineering task is to make a device that will transfer energy from one type to another, for example transforming elastic energy into kinetic.


what am I thinking of doing?

there are many devices I am thinking of making such as…


1: crossbow

the crossbow is a simple yet effective projectile launcher that utilises elastic energy to launch a projectile by transforming elastic into kinetic.

the first instance of crossbows are found in around 1000bc to 700 bc ancient china. though range weapons were already utilised beforehand such as the bow. the crossbow is a lot more simple to use, having a stock and having a lock to hold the string in place the shooter does not have to maintain grip on the string and can walk with the weapon already loaded.

though formidable the crossbow and bow was eventually outclassed by the invention of the gun, however crossbows still exist to this day, unfortunately not used for combat.


what I like?

it is really simple and easy to make and a really good example of how elastic energy would be turned into kinetic energy.

what I don’t like?

if I am to make this and I don’t have suitable materials then the limb might snap and that’s not good.

target audience

people who want to have a simple projectile launcher that can be easily used. or people who live in medieval Europe who does not have the time to become a skilled archer and require a reliable easy to operate projectile weapon.


2: catapult

the earliest instance of catapults are found in the middle east in the 7 century BC. utilizing elastic energy it would launch large projectiles such as large boulders. the most famous use of catapults happened in the medievle time period where walled cities were common.

this weapon used as seige machines which are weapons used during a siege. launching rocks , fireballs (flammable material) and diseased corpses.

what I like

a really good example of elastic energy into kinetic.

what I don’t like

very complicated and hard to make.

target audience

a basic toy that launches things around. or if you are in need of a siege weapon to assist you in taking down a fortified area, by weakening the fortifications.

9 effective ensemble member qualities

1: risk taker

2: positive and energetic

3: aware and in control

4: Focused

5: active listener

6: cooperative and collaborative

7: Efficient

8: leaders and followers

9: positively critical and able to act on that criticism

I think I would need to focus on being focused because I am very easily distracted by my friends causing me to not understand things people say. also during middle school shows, I am easily distracted causing me to lose my queue (just once though). so I really need to work on being focused and having my head in the game.

my project design speaker

what did you struggle most on this project

i struggled on creating the tree in this project because i never used affinity designer, so when i tried to make the tree i just could not get it working. i tried making it symmetrical and move the nodes to make the branch thicker. so the branches dont get too thin and break. but when i tried to make the pieces connect it just would not work. somehow later i managed to fix it i still dont know how.

what aspect of the project am i most proud of

the tree in the middle was my favourite because it just looked so nice on the speaker. it looks natural and just fit in so well. the tree is the focus of the speaker. it really sells it that this is a organic type of speaker. then having the flowers around it just made it that much better.

if i start over from the beginning what would i change

if i had to star over i would change the hight of the front facing piece because not it just looks like a big forehead on my speaker it looks kind of ugly so that i would change. another thing i would change is on the back board i forgot to stain making it a look out of place.

food waste problem

taco gets spilled.


the picture to right is all the design ideas i got before. it has ideas for how to heat up fries and pizza grease and other things. the top left is my final idea.

final product.

this is what i call the taco drive through because it reminds me of a drive through.


my biggest success was finishing it and giving it a functioning drawer giving it a functioning drawer made the idea i wanted better because you put the things you want in the taco into the drawer and without it it would not be the design i wanted it to be. without the drawer this design would not have been completed. the drawer also took the majority of my time because i had to make it very precise in order to make it fit in the hole i made.

my biggest obstacle was trying to find a pipe that connects the two things and making the working drawer. i was looking for a pipe to connect it. originally i wanted to use a foam pipe. but someone took most of it and the small pieces left were split in half so i tried to find a replacement. that didn’t work. so i just glued the pipe together and used that. the drawer was also very challenging because i had to get the cuts very precise so it can actually fit in the hole that i cut it. i had to trim it a lot but eventually i manage to get it in.

something i learned about my self in this project was that if i calmed down and focused on the thing i can do it with efficiency and accuracy. because last year i tried to make something similar but i was constantly getting distracted by my friends so i barely finished it and it did not come out as good as a thought it would come out. so this time i calmed down and started intensely focusing on this project and i think it came out very nice.

something i want to change on my prototype is a control-panel on the side to add extra detail because i thought it would have been great if the person using my product could control where they want the things to be on their taco and what they want to their taco so they could have the ability to customize it.

overall i think my prototype is a success because i finished it and it looks very complete and i am happy with how it turned out. it looks clean and you cant really see hot glue hang on the side. this was a huge improvement from the things i did last year. the cuts were strait and i think i did a good job on glueing and cutting the cardboards together. the foam pipe was also glued decently together. over all i think my prototype looks very pleasing to the eye and i think i did a good job.

Framed Rick Astley

what is the most important thing of this design.

the most important is the picture of Rick Astley because it is the centerpiece of the product. this product would not exist without the rick Astley picture.


what is a skill I improved on over the course of the process

i learned how to use adobe illustrator better to cut the picture of Rick Astley. I also learned more about woodworking. for i made a picture frame and i think it turned out pretty good.


what am i proud of in this project

i am proud that i made a picture frame with some help because this was my first finished woodworking thing, and i am also proud of printing the picture on leather because this was my first complex piece. i had to trace things make a picture that way.



leather decoration


my locker is very empty and has nothing interesting inside it. while other people have fancy things in their locker i got a sad empty locker.



these photos inspired me because i want to put a rick astly face in a frame and put it in my locker

Smellificator 3000


this is my smell machine. the red button on top is the button that activates my machine. I was supposed to add a trigger that makes the machine start smelling but I did not have time. the thing in the front is the vacuum that sucks in the smell and processes it. then the smell will show up on the screen. the buttons and others are purely for decoration and nothing else. things that inspired me are vacuum cleaners and a machine from Phineas and Ferb.

light box project

for our project we made a lightbox to remind us of a place we been to but can’t because of covid. I chose mount fuji because I use to go to Japan every year but because covid I couldn’t go.

i learned a lot of skills while making the lightbox. I learned about adobe illustrator and how to use it. though I didn’t use much of it I learned how to use a different color to cut differently from the laser cutter I also learned how to put 2 things merge into 1. also in product design, I learned to use acrylic paint.


I am overall pretty happy with my lightbox. though I could change the gluing of the lightbox because it was hard to fit layers into it. I could also do a better job on the lights because in the lightbox you could see the lights. but the thing I want to change the most is the gluing because I did a not very good job and it kind of got messed up.

Infinity war trailer.

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