the prototype
this is the first prototype we created, using a softish wood and pretty thin compared to the final result. as a result of this the handle/part next to the trigger unfortunately snapped resulting in remaking the entire body again.
the final product
the body
with the lesson learned from last time, the final product uses a lot more sturdy wood, I also made sure to give extra length to the area that snapped on the prototype, over all, the body of the final product is just a lot more refined and sturdy version of the prototype. we also sanded the body down, especially the corners so people won’t get splinters.
the bow
the bow is just a piece of bamboo that is decently thick and that will be attached to the top of the body of the crossbow, by cutting out a block and then placing it in before filling the rest of the hole with the wood that was cut out. the body also needed grooves to be cut out or else the string won’t hold.
the trigger
the original plan for the trigger involved a crazy amount of over-engineering and over-complicating everything. involving 3D printing and cutting out a groove. however during the 2nd and 3rd class we realized how little time we had left and had to use alternate triggers. we settled on the simplest one, a piece of metal under the string to lift it up, it was held in place by a loose screw.
the string
the string is made from paracord, using the double noose method to attach them to the bamboo.
the process overall went pretty smoothly except for the part where the body of the crossbow snapped and we had to start over.
We managed to get the crossbow working in the last class and managed to shoot it a few times using some wooden sticks we found. it turned out the crossbow shot with decent power and had surprisingly good accuracy.
(we gave the crossbow to Mr Hussack to shoot because we don’t trust ourselves with it)
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